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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Natural Geometry 2: fractal meshwork

Up there we have something clearly in the foreground in the center of the image. The center is empty in the next image. It's just space. Notice the blurred weed sticking in from the lower right.

Now we see a wall of weeds, lots of strong verticals:

In this last image we step back to see the forest behind the weeds:

Compare this series with the cityscapes in Urban Geometry 2: chaos and repose. The scale is very different. Those cityscapes depict a relatively large area, a large volume of space; while these plantscapes are on a much smaller scale. Yet the differences of scale are irrelevant to my photographic purpose, which his about geometry and space. The two geometries are very different. The cityscapes are about straight lines and right angles while the plant scapes are many-angled and lines vary from fairly straight to variously curved and bent. But, in both cases, what really interests me are volumes, the 3D space carved out by the objects and, in particular, the voids between objects.

These photos are from my Natural Geometry set at Flickr.

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