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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some Links

Mark Changizi on art & brain: the brain evolved to track the environment, therefore one can do neuroaesthetics by showing how art too tracks the environment. An interesting post.

Raymond Mar (OnFiction) on imagination engendering empathy.

Wikipedia on the world’s best-selling books: the Bible is tops (with between 2.5 & 6 billion copies out there), Mao’s Little Red Book is second (under a billion), A Tale of Two Cities is the highest ranked novel (200M), then Lord of the Rings, The Da Vince Code is a just ahead of The Catcher in the Rye, and so it goes.

Michael Barrier on Brad Bird’s move to live-action film (he’s slated to direct Mission Impossible IV) and how Pixar, like its parent company, has jumped the shark.

Nature Precedings: A place where scientists can upload papers without peer review and have others read, rate and comment on them.

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