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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Old Chocolate Factory 1: Life in the fast lane

This building, what was left of it, is off of Newark Avenue near the border between Jersey City and Hoboken. Word is that it used to be a chocolate factory. When I first started taking flicks there, some homeless people lived there Now it's a construction site.

See up there at the top, in the middle. There's a small shack behind the left-hand wall. A Mets fan lived there.

Notice that the top-most layer of graffiti does not completely cover a lower layer. The scroll at the right is a roll call, listing members of the crew that put the graffiti up.

We're now behind the factory, looking at Jersey City. The white building at the right is a storage facility. The red brick building to its left used to be a freight terminal. Now it houses a number of firms in various businesses, mostly light industrial. The graffiti we're looking at is the right end of a long piece reading GASER CEAZE. We're looking at the Z and the E. To the right of that,  just beyond the arrowhead, you can see a crew roster. Up the hill, beyond the GASER, that's the location of the shack I mentioned above. Here's a partial view:

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