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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Conversations on Walls, some little ones

Graffiti writers do more than broadcast their name to all who pass by. They also send messages, short simple messages. Sometimes to one another, sometimes to the universe in general. I suspect that this message, a common sentiment, is addressed to the universe:


Here's one on a similar subject, though more positive in tone. It appears to be inscribed over an image of a duck, who looks rather like Donald (better not let Disney lawyers see this flic):


Here's a rather more complex little story. The throw-up is by Sol, who's gotten up quite a bit in the area. Enough so that he's ruffled many many feathers, writers who think he's disrespected them, though Sol disputes that. Whatever.


If you look around the edges of Sol's throwie, you'll see that it's over an older piece of graffiti. You can see that old piece peeking out around the edges in four spots, four along the top edge, one at the bottom. Here's that old piece:

leaping form 05.jpg

Now, back to Sol, and our little conversation. Notice the "S." It looks like Sol's created a visual pun in which the S-form is also a simple image of an elephant's head. The elephant is facing right and its trunk forms the upper loop of the "S." The elephant's jaw is the lower loop.

Someone — a friend to Mes or perhaps Mes himself — has scrawled a two-part protest over Sol's name, which is itself over an old piece. There is an image, a penis+testicles, and an inscription: "suck my balls."

Direct and to the point.

Mes, photo on 4 Jan 2010

1 comment:

  1. graffiti is the banalization of the artform
    comes out of the house and into the street the parade the people backing and forthing

    and conceptual is the hyper brainization of the artform
    the body and the brain

    are these the two extremes? the two constituents?
    you bet
