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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Virtual Underbelly

SmallWorlds is a 3D virtual worlds space. One of the folks there, Kota Phillips, has created a virtual Underbelly Project:
I've been wanting to create a graffiti art space for the past year.
The NY Underbelly Project with all it's controversy and attempt to regrasp the original intent and experience of street art is a wonderful inspiration.

So I'm checking to see if there are artists out there who would want to participate in this.

This is what i propose:
To make it more fun and Underbelly-like the artists would paint in the actual space, in the dark. They would bring their own canvas (up to 3 or 4), pick their area of the "subway" and work at their convenience over the next few weeks. Graffiti art only please.
And here's some virtual underbelly pieces by Hallusinosis Dreams.

And so it grows. Where will it end, this underbelly?


  1. LOL! This was a delightful surprise - finding this in my new alerts. Thanks for sharing the news Bill and the subway tunnels are so full of art in just a week that I'm having to dig new tunnels. :D
    Best regards -

  2. Good to hear from you. Glad the project is working out.

  3. Oh, and . . . . The significance of The Underbelly Project depends entirely on what people make of it -- that's how culture works, no? So your virtual project is now part of the process. Yay!

    Now, I wonder if you could tunnel into that abandoned (and never completed) subway station in Brooklyn? There's a movie there: The Matrix.
