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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egyptian Armed Forces in Search of Honor

Paul Amar at Jadaliyya has some very intersting remarks on the institutional background of the Egyptian revolution and on why Mubarak will go. Of the armed forces, he notes that they have been marginalized since the signing of the Camp David Accords. The don't fight wars; they run businesses:
These buy-offs have shaped [the armed forces] into an incredibly organized interest group of nationalist businessmen. They are attracted to foreign investment; but their loyalties are economically and symbolically embedded in national territory. As we can see when examining any other case in the region (Pakistan, Iraq, the Gulf), US military-aid money does not buy loyalty to America; it just buys resentment. In recent years, the Egyptian military has felt collectively a growing sense of national duty, and has developed a sense of embittered shame for what it considers its “neutered masculinity:” its sense that it was not standing up for the nation’s people. The nationalistic Armed Forces want to restore their honor and they are disgusted by police corruption and baltagiya brutality. And it seems that the military, now as “national capitalists,” have seen themselves as the blood rivals of the neoliberal “crony capitalists” associated with Hosni Mubarak’s son Gamal who have privatized anything they can get their hands on and sold the country’s assets off to China, the US, and Persian Gulf capital.

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