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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Egyptian Revolution, Current Status

As of noon, Thursday 10 Feb, Eastern time, the Egyptian revolution appears to have reached this status:

Zoom 5

Mubarak is on the way out, but it's not clear what happens next or what the protesters will do. They're still shrouded in dust and the nature of the interim regime, or even IF it's only interim, is not clear.

From the NY Times:
The character of the military’s intervention and the shape of a new Egyptian government remained uncertain. A flurry of reports on state media on Thursday indicated a degree of confusion — or competing claims — about what kind of shift was underway, raising the possibility that a competing forces did not necessarily see the power transfer the same way. ...
For weeks, the protesters have hoped the military would intervene on their side, though it remained unclear whether the military would support democratic reforms that would threaten its status as the most powerful single institution in the country.

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