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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Some Versions of the Urban Pastoral

Here we have a meeting place near the old watering hole. Perhaps the natives knap stones in this area. Maybe they just meet and gab. Or perhaps they make other ceremonial objects.

IMGP1641rd - Meeting place near the old watering hole

These poles and wires appear to be a primitive apparatus for communing with the gods. As you can see, there are a lot of poles, and a lot of squarish huts.

IMGP1660rd -  sticks and wires and the SKY, mofo! the SKY, sticks and wires travel the sky

Again, more poles and wires.

IMGP1651rd - The open prairie

Those are the habitations of the gods in the distance. What is it with all the poles and wires? Do they need to talk with the gods that often?

IMGP1655rd - The Golden City peeks through the bushes

The Tree of Life:

IMGP1659rd - Tree of Life

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