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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Scandal at Penn State: Does not compute

I don't have much to say about the mess at Penn State, perhaps because I don't understand it. But I'm not sure what understanding would get me. But I'd like to offer a simple observation andd a dumb and simple-minded comment.

One. Though Sandusky is the one accused of child molestation, we're not discussing him. We're discussing Paterno. It's as though we know Sandusky's story but . . . Whether or not we think we know Paterno's story, he's the man with the bigger than life reputation. So he's the one who gets discussed.

Two. The Paterno discussion would be much easier if we put him through a Magnetronic Being Splitter that would turn him into four different persons: 1) Paterno the winningest coach in college football, 2) Paterno the benefactor of good things at Penn State, 3) Paterno the figure-head of PSU, and 4) Paterno the guardian of children.

If we could do that, then we could execute #4, burn #3 in effigy, give #2 a plaque in the lobby of the PSU library, and erect a statue to #1. Alas, the Magnetronic Being Splitter hasn't been debugged yet, so we can't do that. We're stuck with having 1, 2, 3, and 4 in one indivisible person; and we don't really have a way of making sense of such people.

The Paterno problem does not compute. It's the sort of thing that, nonetheless, human beings somehow muddle through, but that causes super smart computers hell-bent on world destruction to explode.


  1. Accusations of sex abuse produce immediate hysteria in the tribe, even among intellectual sorts (see the crooked timber or unfogged gangs' recent brainfarts). And admittedly it doesn't look good for Sandusky or Paterno or PSU.

    However..they haven't yet been found guilty of anything. And I would not rule out the possibility of...a witch hunt of a sort (ie, get the papists, including that old brooklyn wise guy Paterno.).

    Speaking of unfogged, who is this "JP Stormcrow" blowhard Benzon? (he posted on Berube's site at times). That dude is one of the most conservative frauds online (as are many in the unfogged gang). Out him.

  2. Hey TOSsarian, how goes it?

  3. Not my name. See..."J"?

    I believe one of your pals in the mafia made "TOS" for some unknown poster--or was it a fellow..chester at unfogged. Stupid and inane either way, like all of your phony schtick (and lets not forget yr the conservative here).

    A person in yr position has no right to anonymity (or ..even to post w/o profile or blog). Now, try to pay some people off. You're going online, coward --yr little unf. j-o game over, maricon

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