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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Brain-to-Brain Coupling

I originally posted this in December 2013. I'm bumping it to the top of the queue as this topic is much on my mind these days.
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Mark Liberman has just posted on this topic over at Language Log, so I'm boosting this post to the top of the pile. He also cites the Hasson article.
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Trends Cogn Sci. 2012 Feb;16(2):114-21. Epub 2012 Jan 3.

Brain-to-brain coupling: a mechanism for creating and sharing a social world.
Hasson U, Ghazanfar AA, Galantucci B, Garrod S, Keysers C.
Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University,


Cognition materializes in an interpersonal space. The emergence of complex behaviors requires the coordination of actions among individuals according to a shared set of rules. Despite the central role of other individuals in shaping one's mind, most cognitive studies focus on processes that occur within a single individual. We call for a shift from a single-brain to a multi-brain frame of reference. We argue that in many cases the neural processes in one brain are coupled to the neural processes in another brain via the transmission of a signal through the environment. Brain-to-brain coupling constrains and shapes the actions of each individual in a social network, leading to complex joint behaviors that could not have emerged in isolation.

Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PMID: 22221820 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
PMCID: PMC3269540 [Available on 2013/2/1]

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The key statement is that “that in many cases the neural processes in one brain are coupled to the neural processes in another brain via the transmission of a signal through the environment.” I made such an argument the conceptual centerpiece of my 2001 book on music, Beethoven's Anvil. I reprised and extended some of those ideas in my essay-review of Steven Mithen's The Singing Neanderthals. See also my post, The Sound of Many Hands Clapping: Group Intentionality, my various posts on coupling, and the piece I did with David Ramsey, Musical Coupling: Social and Physical Healing in Three Disabled Patients.

Addendum: Here's an informal write-up of Hasson's work.

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