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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Crazy Shooting: Photo Fever

Had an interesting day yesterday. Got a little freelance photography gig, shooting action shots at a dance competition. Shot almost continuously from 8:30 AM to 7PM with, say, 45 minutes for lunch in the early afternoon and short breaks here and there. Must have shot 7K to 10K images. Crazy.

Dancers where kids, 5 to 15, mostly female; like, maybe 5 or 6 guys the whole day. Shot 50 to 70 shots per dance number. Downloaded them to a laptop where someone else took them off the back end and put them up where parents could choose photos of their kids. So I was shooting for mom and dad. That's one thing when the dance is a solo, or a duet or trio. There it's easy to isolate a single dancer. But when you've got half a dozen to 20 or more dancers on stage, crazy. My right arm was ready to fall off by the end of the day.

Best part of the day?

Before the last number. There was a long break so dancers could change costumes, get in place, move props around, etc. During the break they played some slammin’ hip hop in the auditorium.

Now, the audience for this affair consists mostly of the dancers, when they’re not performing, and their friends and family. So the auditorium had kids all over the place, young ones, older ones, teens. And they started dancing to the music. Some stood up and danced in place in the seats. Most were in the aisles.

Wonderful. Hundreds of dancing kids. Even the kids waiting in the wings on stage were dancing to the hip hop. 

Alas, their parents didn’t get up and join them. Didn’t even clap to the music. Probably didn’t occur to them that you’re allowed to do that much less that your really should join your kids and shake your booty. Gotta’ change the culture.

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