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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Connections: Topography in the Brain

A profile of two neuroscientists, May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser: "In 2005, they and their colleagues reported the discovery of cells in rats’ brains that function as a kind of built-in navigation system that is at the very heart of how animals know where they are, where they are going and where they have been. They called them grid cells."

A short (6 min) video about "Sharon Roseman of Denver, who gets lost every day — in the streets she’s lived in for 20 years, even in her own house. When she wakes, her walls seem to have moved overnight. Her world can be transformed in the blink of an eye." She's been diagnosed with "Developmental Topographical Disorientation (D.T.D.), a rare neurological disorder that renders people unable to orient themselves in any environment."

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