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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Emily Allison Turonis, Hoboken Arts & Music, 2014


I've got more shots of her below, but I want you to look at that one for a few seconds before moving on. There's a quiet dignity and determination: 
Good old humankind, just surviving and moving along. 
Since the mic's not up to her face, she probably wasn't even singing at the moment. Maybe it was a pause between phrases, or maybe she was laying out so one of the other musicians could take it for a minute. Who knows? 

I mean, I don't really know. I was there. I took the shot. But I was concentrating on getting the shot, not on listening to the music, though I heard enough of it to know that it was very good.

But enough of this vamping in prose. Here's some more flix of Ms. Turonis, in full cry.







And that, my friends, is how it "T I S" is. Yes it is. Um huh.

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