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Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday Fotos: Jamie Variations

[See explanation below.]

7 biomorph crop Sat Hm

7 biomorph crop Sat Hm Vt

7 biomorph crop Sat Hm Tw

7 biomorph crop Sat Hm Vt Tw

7 biomorph crop Sat Hm Wv

7 biomorph crop Sat Hm Vt Wv

* * * * *

Here is the original sheet by Jamie Bérubé (10th row down on the left):

7 biomorph

I cropped it and cleaned up the background using Photoshop:

7 biomorph crop

I then brightened the colors in Photoshop to produce the first image above and did this and that to produce the variations.

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