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Friday, September 8, 2017

The Perpetual Election?

For some time now the American presidential election has run on for a year or more, staring in the year prior to the actual election with trial balloons and such. I’m wondering if the Trump Legacy will be a perpetual election.

Trump himself continues with election-style rallies, has done more of the than press conferences. His private Twitter stream seems more of a piece with an election, in which candidates are acting as private individuals aspiring to office. His hunger for positive PR is, of course, perpetual. I suppose all presidents want to be linked in some measure, but Trump’s hunger is something else.

Finally, I keep reading these stories about how Pence is thinking about 2020. What about Hillary and Bernie and Warren and Zuckerberg? You gotta’ be kidding!

Is that where we’re headed, to the all-the-time presidential election season, just one long exhausting ritual bash?

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