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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Ice, the Photoshop edition

So, start with the photo I just posted, but before I'd turned it into a gray-scale image:


It was sitting in a blue pail, hence the blueness. Now intensify the blue and modify to produce red and green versions as well:

20170924-_IGP0336 B

20170924-_IGP0336 G

20170924-_IGP0336 R

Now let's return to the gray-scale image and add some false color:

20170924-_IGP0336-2Eq LB X

And play with that a bit:

20170924-_IGP0336-2Eq LB Z HT40

20170924-_IGP0336-2Eq LB Z Sq200 Eq

20170924-_IGP0336-2Eq LB Z Sq200 Eq Vrt

Oh, and I forgot these:

20170924-_IGP0336 BvrtSat

20170924-_IGP0336 Gvrt

20170924-_IGP0336 Rvrt


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