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Friday, November 3, 2017

Notes from a recording session involving Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg, John Cerminaro, and Cecil Licad

Early in January of 1993 I spent two days as a page-turner on a classical recording session. Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg, John Cerminaro, and Cecil Licad were recording the Brahms Horn Trio and I was hired to turn pages for Licad. 

Scholar that I am, I kept extensive notes on that session, figuring that one day I’d base a polished bit of writing on them, perhaps fiction.

Well, that’s not happened. So I’ve decided to publish the notes. I’ve cleaned them up a bit, but not much. They’re still pretty messy. But that’s how recording sessions are, messy.

I've uploaded the notes to under the title: Page Turner to the Starz Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg, John Cerminaro, and Cecil Licad record the Brahms Horn Trio

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