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Saturday, December 29, 2018

I like it, but it's out of focus [RGB]

This is the kind of focus that keeps me thinking about what I'm doing. I like it. I like the colors, I like the textures. But it's out of focus. For some purposes that's obviously a show stopper. But for others, does it matter, really?

It's obviously the leaves of some plant, if you care about that. Does it matter? That's an interesting question. One can think of it as just and abstract pattern of color. But can you see it that way? Or do you pretty much have to see it as an arrangement of physical objects with light playing over them? I think the latter.

And if we change the colors so they're unnatural?

Gray scale is unnatural too, but we're used to it. After all, everything is gray in the dark.

1 comment:

  1. R G B !

    It's a nice one

    but I think of it more like a placement of colors

    Only after you describe it in words was I thinking the latter plants!
