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Saturday, September 21, 2019

The value of handwriting, it's good for memory, mind, and soul

Hetty Roessingh, Why cursive handwriting needs to make a school comeback, The Conversation, August 23, 2019:
Beyond a nostalgia for the pre-digital age, there are good reasons why cursive handwriting needs to make a comeback. As a researcher who has studied the relationship of handwriting to literacy, along with other scholars, I've found that developing fluency in printing and handwriting so that it comes automatically matters for literacy outcomes. Handwriting is also an elegant testimony to the human capacity for written literacy and an inspiring symbol of the unique power of the human voice. [...]

But touching a "d" on the keyboard, for example, does not create the internal model of a "d" that printing does. [...[

Evolving research in the neurosciences underscores the importance of developing automatic skills in relation to what educational psychologists call the cognitive load.

Lessons learned from sports or the performing arts highlight the importance of establishing neuronal connections that promote fluid movement. With reading and writing, too, the keys to unlocking creativity or interpretation of story elements are also related to being able to write automatically.
Markham Heid, Bring Back Handwriting: It's Good for Your Brain, Elemental, Sept. 12, 2019:
Psychologists have long understood that personal, emotion-focused writing can help people recognize and come to terms with their feelings. Since the 1980s, studies have found that “the writing cure,” which normally involves writing about one’s feelings every day for 15 to 30 minutes, can lead to measurable physical and mental health benefits. These benefits include everything from lower stress and fewer depression symptoms to improved immune function. And there’s evidence that handwriting may better facilitate this form of therapy than typing.

A commonly cited 1999 study in the Journal of Traumatic Stress found that writing about a stressful life experience by hand, as opposed to typing about it, led to higher levels of self-disclosure and translated to greater therapeutic benefits. It’s possible that these findings may not hold up among people today, many of whom grew up with computers and are more accustomed to expressing themselves via typed text. But experts who study handwriting say there’s reason to believe something is lost when people abandon the pen for the keyboard.

“When we write a letter of the alphabet, we form it component stroke by component stroke, and that process of production involves pathways in the brain that go near or through parts that manage emotion,” says Virginia Berninger, a professor emerita of education at the University of Washington. Hitting a fully formed letter on a keyboard is a very different sort of task — one that doesn’t involve these same brain pathways. “It’s possible that there’s not the same connection to the emotional part of the brain” when people type, as opposed to writing in longhand, Berninger says.

Writing by hand may also improve a person’s memory for new information. A 2017 study in the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that brain regions associated with learning are more active when people completed a task by hand, as opposed to on a keyboard. The authors of that study say writing by hand may promote “deep encoding” of new information in ways that keyboard writing does not. And other researchers have argued that writing by hand promotes learning and cognitive development in ways keyboard writing can’t match.

The fact that handwriting is a slower process than typing may be another perk, at least in some contexts. A 2014 study in the journal Psychological Science found that students who took notes in longhand tested higher on measures of learning and comprehension than students who took notes on laptops.

“The primary advantage of longhand notes was that it slowed people down,” says Daniel Oppenheimer, co-author of the study and a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. While the students who typed could take down what they heard word for word, “people who took longhand notes could not write fast enough to take verbatim notes — instead they were forced to rephrase the content in their own words,” Oppenheimer says. “To do that, people had to think deeply about the material and actually understand the arguments. This helped them learn the material better.”
Language Log's Victor Mair concurs and goes on to offer some observations about the writing habits of personal acquaintances, noting:
Recently, however, I have discovered a third type of writer, one that fascinates me greatly. They have those tablets with a cover that you flip back and you're ready to write on it. They can compose or call up a text on the tablet and they can handwrite on it too. What really blows me away is when they draw lines and circles around different parts of the text or add handwritten notes to it — in different colors for emphasis or to signify categories of meaning! If they don't like what they wrote, they can effortlessly erase it. I love to watch them work dexterously; they seem to have the best of both worlds: typing and handwriting. As such, their thinking, creation, and analysis operate in multiple modes — and it shows when they scintillatingly start talking about what they've been writing.
He concludes with a list of posts on writing, most but not all are about writing Chinese characters.


  1. Being dyslexic the reintroduction of cursive handwriting in schools I would associate with the reintroduction of flogging for those children who err and spend time staring out of windows when they should be listening to proper instruction.

    Guiding students to develop strategies to deal with the wider issues raised strikes me as more effective and civilized method of demonstration.

    Makes things far less frustrating.

    1. I really don't quite know what I think about this. I remember spending hours and hours in primary school practicing cursive. But I don't much remember how I felt about it. I do of course remember being bored a lot of the time, but I don't practicing cursive as being particularly prominent among the causes of boredom.

      But once I became reasonably fluent with a keyboard, in the summer after I finished secondary school, I've done pretty much all my writing at a keyboard, first a typewriter, but then with a computer since 1981 or so. When in situations where I need to take notes, I do that by hand, as I did in college. Otherwise it's keyboards all the way.

      And I have no intention of changing that.

  2. I think the observations being made are really interesting.

    I think the conclusion therefore.... is more debatable.

    Perhaps writing it out in longhand a 100 times would slow the processes down and induce further thought?

    I do a number of the things noted. Although slowing down with reading and writing is something I have to do along with constantly working out how to adapt and alter instruction, which is intended to aid the incredible odd thoughts people who are not dyslexic have in regard to how things things must be done.

    I have to adapt and alter or get very bored, struggle and fail.

    Calls for uniform approaches to learning have a tendency to induce horror.

    1. Yeah, brains aren't uniform, so learning shouldn't be either.
