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Sunday, October 6, 2019

I did it again, another day without blogging (almost) [regulating the mind] [Ramble 13]

Metadata: I had to hunt around a bit to find the file where I’d written the previous post in this series. Found it in “New Savanna Notes 17.docx” and moved it to “Weekly Ramble.docx”, where I’m writing this.

Back on Thursday, Sept. 26, I’d posted about how I’d taken two days off of blogging, and that photo expeditions had something to do with it. Well, it’s happened again. No blogging yesterday, Saturday, except for three photos, which I’ll get to.

I hadn’t planned it that we, not at all. My blogging to-do list is full, and I’ve got several lines in development: there’s my major post on Matt Jockers’ 3000 node graph in Macroanalysis, I’d planned out a second post in my series about Mark Moffett’s The Human Swarm, and there’s this post on Heart of Darkness I’ve been planning for a couple weeks now – that one just gets bigger and bigger. I’d figured that I’d at least post the Moffett, if not the Jockers.

But I’d already made plans to meet my friend Gregg for a little urban exploring in the morning, 10 AM. He wanted to show his aunt what we’d been up to. So he made plans to give her a tour and tapped some of our band of creative miscreants as well. I got up, did a little of this and that and went out for breakfast at the Malibu Diner. Which I like to do. Sit down, drink my coffee, then eat the waffles and bacon, all the while just mulling things over. Which I did. Took a short walk along the shore on the way back to my place, then put on my ‘grunge wear’ – old tattered jeans and Timberlands – for the safari. Got in my car, drove to Jersey City.

And met Greg and his Aunt Jane at the spot at 10 AM, as planned (Greg had gotten there early). Alas, fellow miscreants would not be with us. Off we went. Greg and his aunt talked, I took photos and joined in every once in awhile. Needed the boots, got the jeans dirty, as expected. Met other explorers as well, which was a bit unusual for that particular excursion. Chatted with them for a bit. I recognized one of them, G. from Cool Vines.

We finished up a bit after noon. Greg and Jane went about their business and I went to the photo exhibit by the Jersey City Photo Meetup, of which I am a member, though I didn’t have any photos in the show. Spent 15 or 20 minutes there and then headed back home to Hoboken (about 3 miles). I figured I take a nap – I’ve been a napper since forever – render some photos, and do some blogging.

Nap, check.
Render photos, check.
Write blog post(s). No, though I did post three photos from the day’s safari.

And then ... I don’t quite know what. I went to King’s picked up some soda, OJ, cookies, and my dinner. After dinner I watched the finale of Season One of The Great British Baking Show. Then...Watched a couple episodes of Law & Order SVU and went to bed. Got up at about 1:30, took a quick look online and went back to bed/sleep.

Then I got up at 2, 2:30 and did a bit of work on the Jockers’ post, things I’d thought of earlier in the day. Took a look through some of my photos and did two new renderings which I plan to post after I’ve posted this. And then, after I woke up I made progress on the Heart of Darkness piece, but only in my mind. I haven't written anything down yet.

That’s it.

More later.

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