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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Sometimes it's fun to track a small boat as it zips along the Hudson River

Now it passes the Frying Pan. I don't know what kind of boat that is, but it's been there in that same spot as long as I've been photographing the western short of Manhattan. It's one of my landmarks. It's always painted red, though it's only recently (the last year or so?) that the name's been clear. Perhaps it's some kind of restaurant. I don't know what that building with all the windows is, but it is very large, not tall, but wide and I suspect deep.

Now we're in yacht and tour-boat country. I think the clunky ones are tour and/or charter boats (for groups). The sleeker ones are surely private yachts.

Private yachts! Notice the sail boat along the right edge.

Now it's passing the Renzo-Piano-designed Whitney Museum, center left. The construction cranes are for a new park-on-the-shore, largely funded, I believe, by Barry Diller and Dianne von Fürstenberg.

You can just barely see the boat in the center. Notice the small yellow brick structure to its right? That's a ventilation tower for the Holland Tunnel. And I believe that's the Standard Hotel just to its left. Notice the various colors on the facades of the buildings.

Here's some special bonus images, blue/orange versions of two shots:

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