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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Once again, what's up with all the tags/labels?

I'd posted on that topic back on November 7, 2017. I don't know how many tags I had then, but I did a count on December 30, 2016 and there were 481 then. Now, in mid-December of 2019, there are 544 tags. Yikes!

As I said back then, there are two reasons for this: 1) it allows me to group and reference a fairly specific set of texts on a single topic, such as posts reference the philosopher Peter Godfrey-Smithobject-oriented ontology (a somewhat more diffuse topic, but still limited), moral injury, the computational envelope of language (a current interest), virtual feudalism, or even this blog, New Savanna. In contrast, the label photo is quite general, with 2143 posts, out of 6525 published so far. But if you're only interested in photos of the remains of Jersey City's old chocolate factory, I've got you (only three with that tag, though there are probably more).

And, of course, reason #2, those tags are there to help me find stuff. The strange fact of the matter is that sometimes almost the only way to find something on my computer is to search for it on the blog. I search through the tags/labels for an appropriate one, then I start looking through posts. I'm looking for a highly specific word of phrase I can then use to search my hard drive. Sometimes that round about works quickly, and sometimes it doesn't. But it's worth a shot.

Recently I was looking for the original text of some blog posts about my early interest in jazz. So I looked under the tag BBjazzed and then started going through the individual posts. I then picked out words and phrases and looked for them on my hard drive and was unable to find my original text for those posts. Maybe I wrote those posts directly in the blog, which I sometimes do (I'm doing it now). Though, frankly I don't quite believe I did that for those posts. Have I somehow lost the original text files? Or is it just that my hard-drive search engine doesn't know how to find them, or I'm not using the engine properly? I don't know.

Finding things is tough, even things in your own mind. Or is that especially things in your own mind? And you know what, I'm sure that the AGI Super Intelligence of the Future will have the same problem. Minds are like that.

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