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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A decade of New Savanna: 2010-2019

I made my first post at New Savanna on April 14, 2010 and have published 6607 posts up through December 31, 2019. This chart shows yearly totals for the decade:

Of course 2010 was only a partial year, so the number is low. There seems to be a noticeable jump for 2018 and 2019. To some extent that reflects the fact that, late in 2018, I realized that it was easy to embed tweets in a post, thus giving me a low (psychological) energy way to make posts. I made 33 tweet posts in 2018 and 150 in 2019. If we subtract those numbers we get the following chart.

There’s still a dramatic jump between 2017 and 2018, but 2019 now has fewer posts than 2018.

Here’s my monthly totals for 2019:

The dip in the late winter and spring is normal, though it came a month or so late this year and went unusually low. That likely counts for the drop in posting relative to 2018.

What have I been posting about? As of December 11 of this year I had 680 different tags. I may have added one or three since then, but I don’t really know. I will probably add some more in the future. But I may also prune some. There are half a dozen or so tags that I’ve only used once. Perhaps I should remove them. We’ll see.

Top 50 topic labels, more or less

I went through my tag list and picked out 104 with a fair number of posts each (see list in next section). That list is certainly not THE 104 most frequent labels. I then sorted them in descending numerical order and picked the top 50 and made short notations about the kinds of posts associated with each topic. That list is immediately below.

The major distinction is between photograph posts and all the rest. The great majority of the photos are mine, though I have used that label for tweet posts containing photos by others or even images of art. Among the rest, the major distinction is between long-form articles expressing my ideas and link posts. Most of the link posts, however, contain substantial quotations from the linked article (or articles). Of course, it’s not quite that simple – it never is, is it? Some of the photo posts are essays about photography, and so contain prose, sometimes quite a bit of prose.

Beyond this, I could go on and on with various kinds of commentary on what’s in specific categories. But I won’t. This isn’t meant to be an annotated guide to New Savanna. It’s just a quick and dirty snapshot.

Counts for 104 selected topics

Here are the counts for 104 selected topics arranged in alphabetical order by topic. Why 104? No particular reason. That’s how many I decided to take note of, out of the 680 or so topics I’ve used. I had two criteria in mind: number and salience. I probably picked every tag that has more than, say, 100 instances. Below that, number played a role, but so did salience. That is, even if the number was low, I picked it because it represents an important aspect of my work, e.g. manga with only 19 uses.

abundance                          99
African-American                 104
AI                                        175
America                               96
American myth                    407
animation                            195
anime                                  63
Apocalypse Now                 35
autobiography                     112
awesome                             132
behavioral mode                  61
Bergen Arches                     67
cognitive science                  156
Coleridge                             37
community                          154
computation                        285
coupling                              62
cultural evolution                 395
culture                                511
digital humanities                 279
Disney                                 101
economics                           187
emotion                               49
Fantasia                               52
film                                      253
flowers                                282
form                                    68
future                                  99
g-zone                                 79
graffiti                                  464
Hoboken                             304
humanities                           109
irises                                    48
jamming                               50
Japan                                   123
jazz                                     101
Jersey City                           544
jivometric                             297
language                              227
Latour                                 77
Lévi-Strauss                         22
life                                       42
linguistics                             167
literary criticism                    523
macroanalysis                       43
man-in-space                       39
manga                                 19
manhattan                           105
memes                                 77
method                               376
mind                                    118
Miyazaki                              53
music                                   376
myth-logic                           46
narrative                              225
nation-state                         52
natural geometry                 236
neuroscience                       177
new government                  15
new savanna                        36
Nina Paley                           226
object-oriented ontology     219
ontological cognition            42
open letter                          8
peak experience                   39
perception                           56
performing                           60
personal                              92
philosophy                           408
photo                                  2171
photography                       127
plants                                  143
play                                     21
poetry                                 65
politics                                 356
pop culture                         432
Presidential 2016                 54
progress                              18
psychology                          262
Ramble                                19
reading                                51
reading>reading                   22
regulate-mind                      20
religion                                86
rhythm                                46
ring-form                             81
science                                125
sexuality                              40
Shakespeare                         50
shaky-cam                           76
society                                 275
street art                             101
synchrony                           60
TalentSearch                       35
technology                          123
transnational                       55
Trump                                 104
tweet                                  183
unityofbeing                        20
urban geometry                   79
urban pastoral                     150
violence                               30
wayquay's                            84
working paper                     73

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