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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Is New York "society" over? New York Social Diary on Ghislaine Maxwell

The story to take to the beach (with your mask) this past weekend was the discovery and arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell at her retreat/hideout at the foot of Mt. Sunapee in New Hampshire.

Aside from the scandal, the mysteries, the Epstein death/suicide/disappearance, it’s become a turgid subject of what used to be the world of society in New York. That world over the last now century and a half has not only changed but in many ways dissolved. The last gasp might have been provided by Covid.

Ghislaine Maxwell, ten years ago was riding high, along with her cohort Epstein. I never met him. I had met her. That is not to say I got to know her. But I did have a favorable first impression. That does not confer reality but it does provide some clues. I knew background from the press and her famous father’s death. She was very personable and in a very pleasant way. I never knew about her relationship with Epstein until his closing scenes. She seemed intelligent. And congenial.
Jeffrey Epstein was an important social figure to many people who did not partake or indulge in his sex-business. He sought social connections with all kinds of prominent and important people. Felicia Taylor, who knew him socially, recalled the time he invited her to his mansion “for tea.” They sat in one of his parlors where there was a grand piano and had tea. Afterward he gave her a concert on the piano. He was an accomplished pianist. After the concert, that was that. Teatime over, Felicia departed.
Ghislaine had many social connections in this country as well as the UK and elsewhere. According to Emily Smith in yesterday’s NY Post, “Prince Andrew helped launch Ghislaine into the New York social scene when she was nothing after the death of her father. She always saw him as a real friend.” It may have been that Andrew met Epstein through Maxwell. Or Maxwell met Epstein through Andrew. Whatever it was, they all clicked. Between the three of them, the connections were plentiful. Together they could only grow.
At the close:
In the case of Epstein and Maxwell they had something special which included their hazy crazy maybe notoriety. And it had to do with sex. And all kinds of sex. And all kinds of participants. This went on for decades, and well within the knowledge of those who have every reason to NOT want the world to know what turns them on when Mommy’s not around. [...]

Whatever happens, we are not going to find out what Ghislaine Maxwell knows. What we, “the great unwashed,” are getting to see is how some people, mainly male, who acquire great fortunes and/or acquire “power” in the public arena, are inclined to push the “power” in other areas of one’s life. Potential gross humiliation is probably the motivation behind a love of taking a chance.

Ghislaine knew all about that. She was, in a way, a 21st century madam in a world of corporatacasy. So maybe this is the end of her life. Maybe this is where her head is at now. Because if, in fact she does reveal The Story of a lot of the Epstein clientele, it would affect many lives and many who are innocent. If that is The Story.

1 comment:

  1. "Corporatacasy" -- now that is a word is a word isn't it?
