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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

If he accomplishes nothing else, Biden should be able to rebuild the executive branch. [stop the craziness]

Assuming Biden manages to eke out a victory, there's still the Senate. Even if the Democates manage a majority, which doesn't seem likely, it would be the narrowest possible majority, and so getting things done will be difficult. Still and all, the underlying constitution of the electorate seems to have remained unchanged.

But the final moments of this post-election discussion are worth listening to, as is much of the rest of it.

Ben Wittes, starting very near the end:

To everyone who thinks, like if the last four years stand for anything, it stands for the proposition that it really matters who's President. It really really matters who's President. And so if Joe Biden does nothing more than stop the craziness, he will be in the top few percentiles of Presidents in the history of the country. If all he does is rebuild the executive branch in a sane fashion.

Can he work with Mitch McConnell? I don't know. Will they work together on the things that have to get done? Yes, because they're both pros. Don't underestimate that. Mitch Connell is a nasty fellow, but he's a professional. I just what to say, it matters who's President. What Donald Trump has shown is in a negative sense how much a President can do. All of that can be undone.

I don't want to underestimate at all the importance of lancing this particular boil. I wish we'd lanced a couple of others along the way. At the end of the day, this country is in much better shape today than it was 24 hours ago. ... Be optimistic, be of good cheer. And, yes, I'm dissatisfied with the results. But do not ever wonder if this result is a galactically good thing or not. It is.

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