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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Hey kids! Let's put on a show! [The day the Capitol was captured by must-see TV]


  1. Interesting. I find that thought rather disturbing though. I can't mind read but I can imagine where a poor emotional read and no control mechanism in could lead.

    He has shown what can be done. You get the sense, this may be over but this is not the end as this is a model for successes or will be read as such by some.

    Understanding, education and instruction, is a way out and could have been a way out for Trump at an earlier age.

  2. p.s I noticed you read Adam Roberts piece. I don't actual comment anywhere really, but I found it so odd I left a comment. I agreed with virtual everything he said, but still found it difficult. It must have been how it was said, although I can't point to anything other than I had a different read as to why house was so vile and unwatchable, communication here may be an issue.

    1. I've "known" Adam virtually for years. We used to be at a now defunct group blog called "The Valve." & we share an interest in Coleridge.

  3. He has an eye for detail. I never been able to watch house as he reminded me of how a minority of doctors and academics behave in real life. Grotesque example.

    Different worlds although you attempt to understand. Trump type figures on t.v do not bother me you can turn then off. Online you don't read. In life, different thing.

  4. "Creating content for social media" is deeply disturbing to me. If that was the only aim, the rioters wouldn't have convened with the collusion of President Trump. Thomas, at least in this tweet thread, misses completely the protestors' knowledge of how to use their blood and gut presence to shock people and terrorize. The protestors are well aware that this blood and guts presence is what muscles the framing from which the online content is drawn. I agree with Jeb in finding this disturbing. Thomas's comments remind me of how (secular?) academics have seriously underestimated the fervor of religious radicalization in its life and death judgments of righteousness. What is the Adam Roberts piece, Larry?

  5. Ahh, I found the Roberts piece and see it is about Coleridge.
