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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Mark Blyth: 29 seconds on Brexit [and everything else, including Trump] –"The Hamptons is not a defensible position."

Here's the complete text (from June 24, 2016):

If you want to understand Brexit and what happened last night, Britain's relationship with the EU, the whole thing, Stop. Don't think about that stuff. It's not really about that. This is global phenomenon. 
This is a revolt against technocracy and elites telling everybody else what to do. At the end of the day, for the past 20 years, 80% of the people have been told 80% of the time by the top 20% what to do, what to think, and what's good for them. Guess what – they figured it out. 
The 20% needs to listen, 'cause if they don't they're gonna find something out. 
The Hamptons is not a defensible position.

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