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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

"People who are more superstitious are more prone to the placebo effect."


  1. Paper sticks in my mind as I am familiar with its opposite.

    deoch ndermait( drink of forgetfullness). When saint Kentigerns life was re-written in the 12th century certian folk traditions attached to the corpus were undesirable. His virgin birth for example.

    So get the first recorded mention of 'Letargion' 'the drink of oblivion' used by physians to enduce sleep, patient feels no pain of incision and remebers nothing when awake.

    Here its suggested that the potion can be used in modern terms as a 'date rape drug' which removes all sorrow and recollection, the victim perceiving herself to be 'unblemished', hence the false superstition.

    Its of course uncertian if this is the cause, but it fits the pattern.

    Saints live is renewed with the false superstition of the past eradicated.

  2. Jocelin of Furness, serious profesional, he bagged a number of high profile commisions lives are a part of a wider projects (renewal of physical infratructure/ political and cultural change), serious social/cultural documents.

    Projects themselves are in part cementing alliances between a range of diverse patrons with very different cultural and political backgrounds.

    Jocelin's compiling a vast corpus in a new form, considerable social/ cultural nagvigation required.


    Genre itself highly adaptable, situational/ contextual flexability.

  3. p.s. I got intrested in l.P. (legendary proof) after two members of the aristocracy turned up at an ethnological confrence. There purpose became clear after a presentation which detailed the distibution of an oral narritive concerning buried treasure.

    At this point they errupted with rage. The presentation was ridiculious, the idea it was a legend, nonsense. The empty box that had once contianed the treasure rested at their local church.

    L.P. is vital in the construction of local legends. Physcal object, carefully described but unfortunatly lost.

    Very common form of proof. An unquestionable demonstration of truth ' the doctor wrote the letter demonstrating he murdered the girl, before the letter was lost in the fire. etc.

    Indisbutable truth.

  4. I re-read it as I was uncertain in relation to classification.

    "At this point they erupted with rage. The presentation was ridiculous, the idea it was a legend, nonsense. The empty box that had once contained the treasure rested at their local church."

    'Performance enhancing'

    Large audience and they were holding the space. Unfortunately the event is not captured on video!

    So a legend rather than quantifiable history but clearly not a myth that is a different sense of time.
