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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

51 Pacific and the Green Villain @ 3 Quarks Daily

My current article at 3 Quarks Daily is about a very special space, now defunct, the 3rd floor loft space at 51 Pacific Avenue in Jersey City: 51 Pacific and the Green Villain: Welcome to the Fun House. The loft and the alleyway beyind the building were covered in graffiti, which changed several times a year. The writers were local, regional, and occasionally international as well. The show was curated by Greg Edgell, aka the Green Villain.

Here’s what was behind the bar for awhile; it’s freighted with markers of identity (click on photo to enlarge):

At the upper left, “Jersey City.” At the upper right, “Destiny.” That may also be a reference to a short film about Salvador Dali, Destino, which is name-checked on the Dali mural in the other room. Across the middle in white letters: “Green Villain.” Notice that the second “e” is rendered as a face, a common feature in graffiti. The hooded figure in the center (the Villain?) has “Versace” on his T-shirt, betraying an obsession with designer labels. But there’s a gun beneath it. Why? Notice the green bird to the right of the figure and then the little brown creature below the bird. “Chill Town” is a local moniker for Jersey City. Looks like the work of Mustart.

Here’s some more photos showing life at the space:

Photos of the loft space, 51 Pacific; photos of the alleyway, 51 Alley.

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