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Sunday, August 22, 2021

What happened to story grammars? [and other things, from a primer on AI story generation]

Story grammars existed in cognitive science (AI and computational linguistics) for about a decade from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s.

Here's what Mark Riedl has to say about them in his useful "An Introduction to AI Story Generation", The Gradient:

Computational grammars were designed to decide whether an input sequence would be accepted by a machine. Grammars can be reversed to make generative systems. The earliest known story generator (Grimes 1960) used a hand-crafted grammar. The details are largely lost to history.

In 1975, David Rumelhart (1975) published a grammar for story understanding. It was followed by a proposed story grammar by Thorndyke (1977).

Black and Wilensky (1979) evaluate the grammars of Rumelhart and Thorndyke and come to the conclusion that they are not fruitful for story understanding. Rumelhart (1980) responds that Black and Wilensky misunderstood. Mandler and Johnson (1980) suggest that Black and Wilensky are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Wilensky (1982) revisits story grammars and doubles-down on his critique. Wilensky (1983) then goes on to propose an alternative to grammars called “story points”, which resemble schemata for plot points (see next section) but aren’t generative. Rumelhart goes on to work on neural networks and invents the back-propagation algorithm.

The full article also covers narratology and the psychology of narrative, story planners, and more recent machine learning approaches, including neural networks.

From the discussion of neural techniques:

One of the main limitations of neural language models is that they generate tokens based on a sequence of previous tokens. Since they are backward-looking instead of forward-looking, there is no guarantee that the neural network will generate a text that is coherent or drives to a particular point or goal. Furthermore, as the story gets longer, the more of the earlier context is forgotten (either because it falls outside of a window of allowable history or because neural attention mechanisms prefer recency). This makes neural language model based story generation systems “fancy babblers” — the stories tend to have a stream-of-consciousness feel to them. Large-scale pre-trained transformers such as GPT-2, GPT-3, BART, and others have helped with some of the “fancy babbling” issues by allowing for larger context windows, but the problem is not completely resolved. As language models themselves they cannot address the problem of forward-looking to ensure they are building toward something in the future, except by accident.

Story grammars come from the "old school" world of symbolic systems. Learning and neural techniques are from the more recent 'sub-symbolic' approaches. Can we combine the two?

One of the issues with neural language models is that the hidden state of the neural network (whether a recurrent neural network or a transformer) only represents what is needed to make likely word choices based on a prior context history of word tokens. The “state” of the neural network is unlikely to be the same as the mental model that a reader is constructing about the world, focusing on characters, objects, places, goals, and causes. The shift from symbolic systems to neural language models shifted the focus from the modeling of the reader to the modeling of the corpus. This makes sense because data in the form of story corpora is readily available but data in the form of the mental models readers form is not readily available.

Assuming the theories about how reader mental models can be represented symbolically are correct, can we build neurosymbolic systems that take the advantages of neural language models and combine them with the advantages of symbolic models? Neural language models gave us a certain robustness to a very large space of inputs and outputs by operating in language instead of limited symbols spaces. But neural language model based story generation also resulted in a step backward from the perspective of story coherence. Symbolic systems on the other hand excelled at coherence through logical and graphical constraints but at the expense of limited symbol spaces.

Reidl's conclusion:

The field of automated story generation has gone through many phase shifts, perhaps none more significant than the phase shift from non-learning story generation systems to machine learning based story generation systems (neural networks in particular).

Symbolic story generation systems were capable of generating reasonably long and coherent stories. These systems derived much of their power from well-formed knowledge bases. But these knowledge bases had to be structured by hand, which limited what the systems could generate. When we shifted to neural networks, we gained the power of neural networks to acquire and make use of knowledge from corpora. Suddenly, we could build story generation systems that could generate a larger space of stories about a greater range of topics. But we also set aside a lot of what was known about the psychology of readers and the ability to reason over rich knowledge structures to achieve story coherence. Even increasing the size of neural language models has only delayed the inevitability of coherence collapse in stories generated by neural networks.

A primer such as this one makes it easier to remember the paths that were trodden previously in case we find opportunities to avoid throwing the baby out with the bath water. This is not to say that machine learning or neural network based approaches should not be pursued. If there was a step backward it was because doing so gave us a powerful new tool with the potential to take us further ahead. The exciting thing about working on automated story generation is that we genuinely don’t know the best path forward. There is a lot of room for new ideas.

As always there's much more in the full article.

It's clear to me, and has been for some time (dating back to the Jurassic Era actually, that is, the late 1970s and early 1980s), that the human mind has both symbolic and sub-symbolic processes. Thus I am firmly of the belief that the future lies in combining the two regimes. Just how that is to be done, that's open to investigation. I assume that various methods will prove useful for different purposes.

For some recent thoughts on such 'hybrid' systems see:

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