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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

An architectural change in transformers can increase the number of interpretable neurons

1. Introduction

As Transformer generative models continue to gain real-world adoption , it becomes ever more important to ensure they behave predictably and safely, in both the short and long run. Mechanistic interpretability – the project of attempting to reverse engineer neural networks into understandable computer programs – offers one possible avenue for addressing these safety issues: by understanding the internal structures that cause neural networks to produce the outputs they do, it may be possible to address current safety problems more systematically as well as anticipating future safety problems.

Until recently mechanistic interpretability has focused primarily on CNN vision models, but some recent efforts have begun to explore mechanistic interpretability for transformer language models. Notably, we were able to reverse-engineer 1 and 2 layer attention-only transformers and we used empirical evidence to draw indirect conclusions about in-context learning in arbitrarily large models.

Unfortunately, it has so far been difficult to mechanistically understand large models due to the difficulty of understanding their MLP (feedforward) layers. This failure to understand and interpret MLP layers appears to be a major blocker to further progress. The underlying issue is that many neurons appear to be polysemantic, responding to multiple unrelated features. Polysemanticity has been observed before in vision models, but seems especially severe in standard transformer language models. One plausible explanation for polysemanticity is the superposition hypothesis, which suggests that neural network layers have more features than neurons as part of “sparse coding” strategy to simulate a much larger layer. If true, this would make polysmenticity a functionally important property and thus especially difficult to remove without damaging ML performance.

In this paper, we report an architectural change which appears to substantially increase the fraction of MLP neurons which appear to be "interpretable" (i.e. respond to an articulable property of the input), at little to no cost to ML performance. Specifically, we replace the activation function with a softmax linear unit (which we term SoLU) and show that this significantly increases the fraction of neurons in the MLP layers which seem to correspond to readily human-understandable concepts, phrases, or categories on quick investigation, as measured by randomized and blinded experiments. We then study our SoLU models and use them to gain several new insights about how information is processed in transformers. However, we also discover some evidence that the superposition hypothesis is true and there is no free lunch: SoLU may be making some features more interpretable by “hiding” others and thus making them even more deeply uninterpretable. Despite this, SoLU still seems like a net win, as in practical terms it substantially increases the fraction of neurons we are able to understand.

Although preliminary, we argue that these results show the potential for a general approach of designing architectures for mechanistic interpretability: there may exist many different models or architectures which all achieve roughly state-of-the-art performance, but which differ greatly in how easy they are to reverse engineer. Put another way, we are in the curious position of being both reverse engineers trying to understand the algorithms neural network parameters implement, and also the hardware designers deciding the network architecture they must run on: perhaps we can exploit this second role to support the first. If so, it may be possible to move the field in a positive direction by discovering (and advocating for) those architectures which are most amenable to reverse engineering.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give an overview of our key results. In Section 3, we provide background on mechanistic interpretability, the role of interpretable neurons, the challenge of polysemanticity and the superposition hypothesis. In Section 4 we motivate and introduce SoLU. In Section 5 we present experimental results showing that SoLU gives performance roughly equivalent to standard transformers, as measured by loss and downstream evaluations. In Section 6 we run the experiments showing that SoLU leads to MLP neurons that are easier to interpret, and also present several interpretability discoveries that we were able to make with SoLU models and could not make without them. Section 7 reviews related work, and Section 8 discusses the bigger picture and possible future directions.

2. Key Results

SoLU increases the fraction of MLP neurons which appear to have clear interpretations, while preserving performance.

Specifically, SoLU increases the fraction of MLP neurons for which a human can quickly find a clear hypothesis explaining its activations from 35% to 60%, as measured by blinded experiments – although the gain is smaller for our largest models (see Section 6.2). This gain is achieved without any loss in performance: test loss and NLP evals are approximately the same for SoLU and non-SoLU models (see Section 5) .

SoLU’s benefits may come at the cost of “hiding” other features. Despite the benefits mentioned above, SoLU is potentially a double-edged sword. We find theoretical and empirical evidence that it may “hide” some non-neuron-aligned features by decreasing their magnitude and then later recovering it with LayerNorm (see Sections 4.3 and Section 6.4) . In other words, SoLU causes some previously non-interpretable features to become interpretable, but it may also make it even harder to interpret some already non-interpretable features. On balance, however, it still seems like a win in that it pragmatically increases our understanding.

Architecture affects polysemanticity and MLP interpretability. Although it isn't a perfect solution, SoLU is a proof of concept that architectural decisions can dramatically affect polysemanticity, making it more tractable to understand transformer MLP layers. This suggests that exploring how other architectures affect polysemanticity could be a fruitful line of further attack. More generally, it suggests that designing models for mechanistic interpretability – picking architectures we expect to be easier to reverse engineer – may be a valuable direction.

An overview of the types of features which exist in MLP layers. SoLU seems to make some of the features in all layers easily interpretable. Prior to this, we'd found it very difficult to get traction on rigorously understanding features in MLP layers. In particular, despite significant effort, we made very little progress understanding the first MLP layer in any model. Simply having a sense of what kinds of features to expect in different layers was a powerful tool in reverse engineering models in the original circuits thread , and this moves us in a similar direction. We find that early features often deal with mapping raw tokens to semantic meaning (e.g. dealing with multi-token words, or tokens in different languages), more abstract features in middle layers, and features involved in mapping abstract concepts back to raw tokens in late layers. Detailed discussion can be found in Section 6.3.

Evidence for the superposition hypothesis. Very little is known about why polysemanticity occurs. In the mechanistic interpretability community, superposition is often treated as the default hypothesis simply because it seems intuitively more compelling than other explanations, but there is little evidence. Our SoLU results seem like moderate evidence for preferring the superposition hypothesis over alternatives.

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