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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Ellen & Yoyoka Q&A: “I usually just start to feel the music and go crazy”

Yoyoka is a Japanese girl (12 years I believe) who plays the drums and has become fairly well known on social media. Ellen is 10 and plays bass. Ellen's father, Hovak, is asking the questions. This exchange happenes at about 22:17.

Hovak: How did you develop your feel for different styles of music and precise timing.

Ellen: I don't know why but for funk I had bang, I had banged like rock for some reason so and I kind of feel the beat no matter what. Like I just automatically start going like this [moves body, Yoyoka, too]. For rock, for rock I usually just, instead of having like you know automatic like you know b' or anything, I usually just start to feel the music and go crazy, unless, unless, you know, you're not at the place for that, but and usually for pop or soul music it's gonna' get stuck in my head and I'm gonna' sing, sing it whenever I feel like singing. Basically that's the whole, that's I'm just I'm just basically saying the main idea of the feel that I get. And there's a lot of music genres that would be very, in that case this question would be a very long question so OK.

Yoyoka [on-screen translation]: So the first thing she said was uh so, whatever music regardless of the you know category of music, if I like it, I just enjoy it, feel it, and then I can't you know play, I can you know play with it naturally. I just happens. The second thing, for example funk music, it's very unique, so it's very upbeat, so I have the intention in my mind like you know um uh so just move like the body movements like up and down. [they all move their heads up and down and chuckle]

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