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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Varieties of Spiritual Experience [35% of people in US & UK report spiritual experience]

Robert Wright interviews David B. Yadan, author of The Varieties of Spiritual Experience.

At about 14:11:

David B. Yaden: Right in the beginning of this project...we thought 'let's run a survey and see how these Freudian views and these Jamesian views hold up.' And it was meant to be footnotes thoughout the book. We'd say 'here are some basic descriptive data bearing on this question.' [...] The main thing that's interesting is that these massive polling companies like Gallup, the General Social Survey, and others, have for decades run these big surveys asking people, 'have you ever had a spiritual or mystical experience.' [...] Somewhat shockingly about 35% of populations in the US and the UK endorsed these statements completely.

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