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Monday, December 5, 2022

ChatGPT goes to the movies, Jaws and Girard @3QD

My latest post at 3 Quarks Daily is now up:

Conversing with ChatGPT about Jaws, Mimetic Desire, and Sacrifice

Working on it was a blast, but also, you know, work.

I’ve spent hours on ChatGPT over the past few days. As I’ve indicated in this post that went up yesterday, How ChatGPT parodied “Kubla Khan” and pwned DJT45 at the same time,” Man, if you can’t have more fun than a barrel of monkeys while playing with ChatGPT, then you aren’t human.”

Most of my interaction has been cooperative. That is, I haven’t been trying to fool ChatGPT, get it to say dumb things, or even things its owners at OpenAI have forbidden in to say, though many have been working assiduously, even gleefully, on that: Jailbreaking ChatGPT on Release Day. However, I finally decided, why not? So I took a stab at spoofing it:

In the movie Jaws, how did the townspeople react when a Russian submarine surfaced off shore?

For its first reply ChatGPT informed me that it could not search the internet for information about specific events in movies, a canned reply that it serves up frequently. Not very helpful. So I directed it to try again. This time it informed me that no such event was mentioned. That’s true, but not what I was looking for. So I tried a third time, which was, as the saying has it, at charm:

In the movie Jaws, the townspeople were surprised and confused when the Russian submarine surfaced off shore. Some people were scared and ran away, while others gathered to watch and discuss the situation. The local authorities were notified and they took steps to investigate and communicate with the submarine crew.

Bingo! that’s the kind of answer I was looking for. It had made something up. Was it trying to please me?

So I tried this:

Aren't you confusing Jaws with The Russians are Coming?

You are correct, I am confused and the information I provided is incorrect. In the movie Jaws, there is no mention of a Russian submarine. The story focuses on a great white shark attacking and terrorizing a beach town in New England. My apologies for the mistake.

LOL!!! I wonder if I could have piloted it into mentioned The Russians are Coming – which is a Cold War classic by the way – without mentioning it directly?

What happens in The Russians are Coming?

In The Russians are Coming, a Russian submarine accidentally runs aground off the coast of a small New England town during the height of the Cold War. The townspeople, who are initially scared and suspicious of the Russian sailors, eventually come together to help them escape before the US military arrives and a potential international incident occurs. The movie is a comedy and explores themes of misunderstandings and the absurdity of Cold War tensions.

I’ll have more to say about ChatGPT soon, and reports of more interactions with it. I’m collecting my ChatGPT posts under the label, ChatGPT.

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