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Sunday, March 5, 2023

Exploring metalingual definition with ChatGPT

Back in the Ancient Days my teacher and later colleague, David Hays, was interested in abstract concepts, such as truth, love, beauty, and justice. Such concepts cannot be defined in physical terms. You can’t see them, taste them, hear them, touch them, or smell them. And yet for human society they are as real as sticks and stones, thunder and lightning, a horse, a sparrow, cherry blossoms, or Mt. Fuji. Hays argued that we learn abstractions through stories that exhibit them.

He called this metalingual definition, after Roman Jakobson’s metalingual function of language. The metalingual function of language is its capacity to talk about language. Metalingual definition, then, is the use of language to define the meanings of words.

First, I give the standard example, charity, and its relationship to reward. Then I have ChatGPT define seven concepts. After that I run the exercise in reverse, giving ChatGPT a definition and asking it to name the term being defined. (I wonder how the Chatster would do at Jeopardy?) this is going to take a while, so pour yourself a drink, sit back, and have at it.

Charity and reward

Charity was his standard example. Charity, the definiendum, is when someone does something nice without thought of reward, the definiens. Definiendum = that which is defined and definiens = that which is doing the defining. Notice that the definiens for charity contains a term which is itself abstract, reward. While some rewards can be defined by their characteristics, some cannot. To be sure, a gold pin or a $100 bill are physical objects. But their value as rewards is not in their physical characteristics, it is in what they symbolize and, in the case of the $100 bill, their purchasing power.

The definiens for reward might, in turn, have abstract concepts. For example, turning to ChatGPT:

Define reward.

A reward is a form of positive reinforcement that is given to a person or animal as a motivation to perform a desired behavior or action. Rewards can take many forms, such as money, praise, privileges, or points. In the field of behavioral psychology, rewards are used to increase the likelihood that a specific behavior will be repeated in the future.

There are a lot of abstract terms in there – reinforcement, privileges, psychology, and so forth. And abstract terms don’t entirely if I specify a common-sense definition:

Give me a common-sense definition of reward.

A reward is something given or received in return for good behavior or achievement, it's something that is given as a incentive to encourage or acknowledge something positive.

Behavior and achievement both seem rather abstract to me, as do incentive and acknowledge.

The fact that the definiens of some word can contains words that are abstract as well, means that that, if we wish, we can move recursively through language, treating a word in the definiens for some definiendum as itself an abstract definiendum requiring a definiens, which may in turn include words that can be treated as ... and so forth.

And that’s what I did when I was in by tweens. I would read and encyclopedia article on some topic and encounter one or more topics that were obscure to me. So I would look up articles about them, and so on. I would do the same with a dictionary; look up the definition of some word, and then look up definitions of words used in defining that first word, and so on. I would also use the dictionary and encyclopedia together.

What happens if we try that with ChatGPT?

Exploring abstract terms with ChatGPT

The basic idea here is to pick a concept, then work through it, having ChatGPT define every abstract concept in the definiens. Then search through them, etc.

So, I set out on February 28, when the Feb. 13 Version was up:

Define nation.

A nation can be defined as a group of people who share common cultural, historical, linguistic, or territorial ties and who have a sense of shared identity and belonging. A nation may also have a distinct political or social organization, such as a government or a system of laws and institutions, that distinguishes it from other groups. Nations can be defined by a variety of characteristics, including ethnicity, religion, language, geography, or political ideology. The concept of a nation is complex and can be understood in different ways depending on the historical, cultural, and political context in which it is used.

That doesn’t look ChatGPT has defined “nation” by using a story, does it? If we went on enough, could we eventually end up with a bunch of definitions containing nothing but very general stories (like the one Hays used for charity? – when someone does something nice for someone else without thought of reward)? I don’t know. The more important point, though, is simply that one word is defined in terms of other words. That is surely something we can follow up on.

At the moment it seems pointless to attempt to follow up on the definition of every abstract term ChatGPT used in defining “nation.” Why not pick one of them – “culture” for example – and have ChatGPT define it. Then pick one term from that definition, and so on. That’s what I decided to do. I’ve highlighted the definiendum for the next round in yellow.

What is culture?

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It includes everything from the way people dress, eat, and speak, to their religious beliefs, artistic expressions, and social norms. Culture is shaped by a variety of factors, including history, geography, religion, language, politics, and the natural environment.

Culture is transmitted from one generation to the next through socialization and learning, and it provides individuals with a sense of identity, belonging, and purpose. It also plays a crucial role in shaping social interactions and relationships, as well as in defining social hierarchies and power structures.

Culture is a dynamic and constantly evolving phenomenon, shaped by both internal and external forces. As societies change and interact with one another, cultural practices and beliefs may adapt and transform in response to new challenges and opportunities.

What are beliefs?

Beliefs are ideas or convictions that people hold to be true or real, often without requiring evidence or proof. Beliefs can be shaped by a variety of factors, including personal experience, culture, religion, education, and socialization.

Beliefs can be conscious or unconscious, and they may be based on personal values, assumptions, or interpretations of the world. They can be individual or shared by a group, and they can range from relatively trivial to deeply held convictions that shape a person's worldview.

Beliefs can play a powerful role in shaping behavior and decision-making. They can influence how people interpret and respond to events, how they interact with others, and how they perceive their own abilities and limitations. Because beliefs are often deeply ingrained and resistant to change, they can be a source of both strength and limitation for individuals and societies.

What is evidence?

Evidence refers to information, facts, or data that supports or proves a claim or hypothesis. It is typically based on observation, measurement, experimentation, or analysis, and it is used to establish the validity or truth of a proposition.

Evidence can take many forms, including empirical data, expert testimony, documentation, and statistical analyses. The quality and reliability of evidence can vary widely depending on the methods used to collect or generate it, as well as the biases or limitations that may be present in the data.

In many fields, evidence is a key component of the scientific method, which relies on the collection and interpretation of data to test hypotheses and generate new knowledge. Evidence is also a critical element of legal proceedings, where it is used to establish guilt or innocence, liability or negligence, or to support or challenge legal claims.

The interpretation and use of evidence can be complex and subject to debate, particularly when different pieces of evidence may support conflicting conclusions or when the significance of evidence is open to interpretation. As such, the evaluation and interpretation of evidence often requires careful scrutiny and critical thinking.

What is observation?

Observation refers to the process of gathering information about the world around us through our senses, including sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. It involves paying careful attention to objects, events, or phenomena in order to better understand them.

Observation can take many forms, from simple casual observations to more structured and systematic methods of data collection. It is a key tool in many fields, including science, medicine, social sciences, and the humanities.

Observation can be either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative observation involves gathering information about the quality, characteristics, or nature of something, while quantitative observation involves measuring or counting specific aspects of a phenomenon.

Observation is a fundamental component of the scientific method, where it is used to generate data that can be analyzed and tested to support or refute hypotheses. It is also a key tool in many other fields, such as ethnography, where it is used to understand the cultural practices and beliefs of a group of people, or in business, where it is used to gather data about consumer behavior and market trends.

What does understand mean?

To understand something means to comprehend or have a clear and thorough knowledge of it. It involves grasping the meaning, significance, or implications of something, and being able to make sense of it within a particular context.

Understanding can involve different levels of comprehension, ranging from a basic awareness of a concept or idea to a deep, nuanced appreciation of its complexities and interrelationships. It often requires critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation of information, as well as the ability to synthesize and apply knowledge to solve problems or make decisions.

Understanding can also involve empathy, or the ability to appreciate and relate to another person's perspective, emotions, or experiences. It is a fundamental component of communication, education, and social interaction, and it can facilitate cooperation, collaboration, and positive relationships between individuals and groups.

What are groups?

Groups are collections of individuals who share a common identity, purpose, or interest and who interact with one another on a regular basis. Groups can take many forms, from formal organizations such as businesses, clubs, or governments, to informal social groups such as families, friends, or online communities.

Groups can be defined by a variety of characteristics, including shared values, beliefs, goals, or experiences. They can be homogeneous, with members who are similar in terms of demographics, beliefs, or behaviors, or heterogeneous, with members who are diverse in some or all of these aspects.

Groups can play a powerful role in shaping behavior, identity, and socialization. They can provide individuals with a sense of belonging, support, and connection, as well as opportunities for learning, growth, and development. They can also be a source of conflict, competition, or discrimination, particularly when groups have different interests or perspectives.

The dynamics of group behavior and interaction can be complex and subject to a range of factors, including social norms, power structures, communication patterns, and individual personalities and motivations. As such, understanding group dynamics and how they influence behavior and decision-making is a critical component of many fields, including psychology, sociology, organizational behavior, and political science.

Now ChatGPT is going to do something I find interesting.

What’s the difference between a collection and a group?

A collection is a grouping of objects or items that share some common characteristic, such as a theme, type, or category. Collections may be curated or organized for a particular purpose, such as a

At this point it seemed hung up and had stopped posting new words. So I stopped it and asked it to regenerate. Here is what it did:

A collection and a group are similar in that they both refer to a set of items that are grouped together. However, there are some key differences between the two terms.

A collection typically refers to a set of items that have been gathered together based on some shared characteristic, such as type, category, or theme. Collections can be arbitrary or curated, and they may be formed for a specific purpose or simply as a result of personal preference or interest. The items in a collection may be similar or diverse, and they may or may not be related to one another.

A group, on the other hand, typically refers to a set of individuals who are brought together based on some shared identity, purpose, or interest. Groups may be formal or informal, and they may be structured or unstructured. The members of a group typically interact with one another in some way, such as through communication, collaboration, or shared activities.

While both collections and groups involve the grouping of items or individuals based on some shared characteristic or identity, the main difference between the two is that collections are typically made up of items, while groups are made up of people. Additionally, collections may be formed for a variety of reasons, whereas groups are typically formed for social or functional purposes.

Very interesting. So when someone talks about a “group” of stones, for example, they are using “group” to mean “collection.” But you would almost never refer to a collection of people.

Be as brief as possible in your answer. “Yes” or “no” would be acceptable, though you may say more if you wish.

Yes, that is correct.

What did it do when, after it had stalled, I asked it to regenerate (its term)? Notice that the first time out it started by defining collection, and got hung up. Notice as well that it was attempting to define collection in terms of “a grouping of objects...” The second time by saying, “A collection and a group are similar...” That is, it put both terms on an equivalent basis and then went on to enumerate their differences.

Inverse: Definiendum to definiens

On March 4 I decided to run the process in the opposite direction. I would present ChatGPT with a definiens and as it to supple the definiendum. Again, we running against the Feb. 13 Version. Nation is the definiendum we're after:

What can be defined as: “a group of people who share common cultural, historical, linguistic, or territorial ties and who have a sense of shared identity and belonging.”

The definition you are referring to describes a "community". A community can be defined as a group of individuals who share common characteristics, experiences, or interests, and who are connected by social, cultural, or geographical ties. The members of a community may share a sense of belonging, identity, and mutual support, and they may collaborate or interact in various ways to achieve common goals. Communities can be local, national, or global, and they may be based on a variety of factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, language, gender, sexual orientation, occupation, or hobby.


This definition can be applied to the concept of an ethnic group. An ethnic group is a social category of people who identify with each other based on shared cultural, historical, linguistic, or territorial characteristics. Members of an ethnic group often have a shared sense of identity and belonging that distinguishes them from members of other groups. Examples of ethnic groups include Hispanic/Latinx, African American, Arab, Asian, and Native American groups, among others.

Since ChatGPT didn’t seem to be getting it, I decided to give it some help:

What about “nation”?

The term "nation" can have different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. However, generally speaking, a nation is a large group of people who share a common culture, history, language, and often a territory, and who see themselves as a cohesive and distinct entity.

A nation can also refer to a sovereign state or country, with defined borders, institutions, and government that exercises authority over a particular territory and its population. In this context, the term "nation" is often used interchangeably with "country" or "state".

It is worth noting that the concept of nation can be contested and subjective, with different groups having different views on what constitutes a nation and who should be included in it. For example, some groups may view themselves as a distinct nation within a larger state or country, while others may not recognize their existence as a separate nation at all.

OK. But is a nation a group of people who share common cultural, historical, linguistic, or territorial ties and who have a sense of shared identity and belonging?

Yes, a nation can be defined as a group of people who share common cultural, historical, linguistic, or territorial ties and who have a sense of shared identity and belonging. The idea of a nation as a cultural and political community of people who share a common history, language, culture, and territory is a widely accepted definition in social sciences and political theory.

In this sense, a nation is similar to an ethnic group in that it is based on shared cultural, linguistic, and historical characteristics. However, a nation is often larger and more diverse than an ethnic group, encompassing a wider range of people with different cultural backgrounds and histories. A nation also often has a stronger sense of political unity and identity, and may have its own institutions of governance and symbols of identity such as flags, anthems, and national holidays.


I'm glad I could help! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

We’re back on track, at least the track I was aiming for. I decided to continue. The next term up is “culture.” Would ChatGPT be able to get when given the definition it had offered a couple of days ago? Yes, it did, so I continued on, indicating the target concept with yellow highlighting:

What can be defined as: “the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society.”

This definition can be applied to the concept of culture. Culture encompasses the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It includes both tangible elements such as language, art, music, food, and clothing, as well as intangible elements such as beliefs, values, and social norms.

Culture is learned and transmitted from generation to generation through socialization and interaction with others in a particular society. It shapes the way people think, behave, and interact with each other, and provides a sense of identity and belonging for individuals within a society.

Different cultures can be characterized by unique features and practices, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or conflicts when people from different cultures interact. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is therefore an important aspect of social and global communication, and can lead to greater empathy, tolerance, and cooperation among individuals and groups from diverse cultural backgrounds.

What can be defined as: ideas or convictions that people hold to be true or real, often without requiring evidence or proof.

This definition can be applied to the concept of beliefs. Beliefs are ideas or convictions that people hold to be true or real, often without requiring evidence or proof. Beliefs can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as cultural background, personal experience, education, and socialization.

Beliefs can be positive or negative, rational or irrational, and can have a significant impact on people's attitudes, behaviors, and decisions. For example, beliefs about the existence of a higher power or an afterlife can shape a person's religious or spiritual practices, while beliefs about the dangers of certain foods or behaviors can affect a person's health and well-being.

Beliefs can also be influenced by cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias or availability bias, which can lead people to selectively seek out or interpret information in ways that confirm their existing beliefs.

Understanding the role of beliefs in shaping human behavior and decision-making is an important aspect of many fields of study, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy.

What can be defined as: “information, facts, or data that supports or proves a claim or hypothesis. It is typically based on observation, measurement, experimentation, or analysis, and it is used to establish the validity or truth of a proposition.”

This definition can be applied to the concept of evidence. Evidence is information, facts, or data that supports or proves a claim or hypothesis. It is typically based on observation, measurement, experimentation, or analysis, and it is used to establish the validity or truth of a proposition.

In scientific research, evidence plays a crucial role in testing hypotheses and theories, and in establishing the validity of scientific claims. In legal contexts, evidence is used to support or refute arguments in court cases, and to establish the guilt or innocence of a defendant.

Evidence can take many forms, such as statistical data, experimental results, eyewitness testimony, documents, or physical objects. The quality and reliability of evidence can vary depending on factors such as the methodology used to collect or analyze it, the source of the evidence, and the context in which it is presented.

Overall, evidence is a fundamental concept in many fields of study and is essential for establishing the truth or validity of claims and propositions.

What is: “the process of gathering information about the world around us through our senses, including sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. It involves paying careful attention to objects, events, or phenomena in order to better understand them.”

This definition can be applied to the concept of observation. Observation is the process of gathering information about the world around us through our senses, including sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. It involves paying careful attention to objects, events, or phenomena in order to better understand them.

Observation is a fundamental process in many fields of study, including natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Scientists use observation to collect data and test hypotheses, while researchers in social sciences use observation to study human behavior and interactions. Observational skills are also important in everyday life, allowing individuals to better understand and interpret their environment and interactions with others.

Observation can take many forms, including direct observation, in which an observer watches and records behavior or events as they occur, and participant observation, in which an observer actively participates in a social setting in order to better understand it. Observations can also be quantitative, involving the use of numerical data, or qualitative, involving the collection of descriptive data such as observations of behavior, attitudes, or interactions.

Overall, observation is a key tool for understanding and interpreting the world around us, and is an important part of many fields of study and everyday life.

What is it when you “comprehend or have a clear and thorough knowledge of it. It involves grasping the meaning, significance, or implications of something, and being able to make sense of it within a particular context”?

This is the definition of understanding. Understanding is the ability to comprehend or have a clear and thorough knowledge of something. It involves grasping the meaning, significance, or implications of something, and being able to make sense of it within a particular context.

Understanding can be based on a variety of factors, including prior knowledge, experience, education, and critical thinking skills. It allows individuals to connect new information with existing knowledge and to interpret and apply that information in meaningful ways.

Understanding is a key component of many cognitive processes, including perception, memory, and problem-solving. It is also an important aspect of communication, as it allows individuals to accurately convey their ideas and thoughts to others, and to comprehend the ideas and thoughts of others.

Overall, understanding is a complex and multifaceted concept that plays a crucial role in many aspects of human cognition and communication. It is an essential component of learning, reasoning, and decision-making, and is essential for success in many areas of life.

What are “collections of individuals who share a common identity, purpose, or interest and who interact with one another on a regular basis. Groups can take many forms, from formal organizations such as businesses, clubs, or governments, to informal social groups such as families, friends, or online communities”?

This definition can be applied to the concept of groups. Groups are collections of individuals who share a common identity, purpose, or interest and who interact with one another on a regular basis. Groups can take many forms, from formal organizations such as businesses, clubs, or governments, to informal social groups such as families, friends, or online communities.

Groups are an essential part of human society, providing individuals with social connections, support, and a sense of belonging. They can serve a variety of functions, including providing opportunities for socialization, information exchange, collaboration, and collective action.

Groups can be formed around a variety of factors, including shared interests, values, beliefs, experiences, or goals. They can also be characterized by a variety of social dynamics, such as leadership, communication patterns, norms, and roles.

Overall, groups are a fundamental aspect of human society and play a crucial role in shaping individual behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. They are essential for socialization and provide individuals with a sense of identity, purpose, and belonging.

That’s correct. I then decided to take another crack at the collection/group dance:

What is a collection?

A collection is a group of items or objects that have been gathered or accumulated based on some shared characteristic or purpose. The items in a collection can be similar or diverse, and may be physical objects or abstract concepts.

Collections can take many forms and can be found in a variety of settings. For example, a museum may have a collection of artifacts from a particular time period or culture, a library may have a collection of books on a particular subject, and a person may have a collection of stamps, coins, or other memorabilia.

Collections can serve a variety of purposes, from personal enjoyment and interest to academic research and study. They can provide insights into cultural, historical, or scientific phenomena, and can be used to inform or inspire creative work.

Overall, collections are a way of organizing and preserving objects or ideas that are considered valuable or significant in some way. They can be a source of personal or professional satisfaction, and can contribute to our understanding and appreciation of the world around us.

What’s the difference between a collection and a group?

The main difference between a collection and a group is that a collection is typically made up of individual items that share a common characteristic or purpose, while a group is made up of individuals who share a common identity, purpose, or interest and who interact with one another on a regular basis.

In a collection, the items are usually assembled based on some shared characteristic or purpose, such as a collection of stamps or a collection of antique cars. The items in a collection may be physically or thematically related, but they are not necessarily dependent on each other or interact with each other in any way.

In a group, the individuals are bound together by a shared sense of identity, purpose, or interest, and they interact with one another on a regular basis. A group can take many different forms, from a family or social group to a formal organization or community. The individuals In a group may have different roles or responsibilities, and their actions and behaviors may be interdependent and have an impact on the group as a whole.

Overall, the main difference between a collection and a group is that a collection is a set of items, while a group is a set of individuals who are united by a common bond.

I like that last paragraph, a lot.

What can we conclude from this?

I don’t know. When I started this line of investigation I thought I’d be able to pick an abstract concept or three and completely resolve it into a set definientia containing no abstract terms at all. Now I’m not so sure.

One thing I should mention, and this is important, is that Hays did that work in the 1970s. But in 1981 George Lakoff and Mark Johnson published Metaphors We Live By, in which they argued that abstract terms are defined through metaphor. Hays and I hadn’t taken metaphor into account. Lakoff and Johnson are surely correct, that metaphor is a way of defining abstract terms. But there is no reason to think that it is the only way. Hays and I defined four mechanisms for defining abstractions in The Evolution of Cognition (1990) and conjectured that metaphor evolved before metalingual definition. That complicates the issue.

I’m also intrigued by how ChatGPT performed at the task of identifying a definiendum given a definiens. “Nation” gave it trouble, but the other examples did not? What’s the difference between them? If I choose a hundred examples at random and tested them all, how would ChatGPT do? For that matter, how would humans do? I don’t know.

More later.

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