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Friday, July 14, 2023

Breathing in waves: Understanding respiratory-brain coupling as a gradient of predictive oscillations

Note that breathing involves both top-down voluntary control and bottom-up involuntary control. 

From the linked article:


  • Respiration fundamentally influences neural oscillations in animals and humans.
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders are characterised by specific oscillatory profiles.
  • Here, respiratory and neural aberrations are integrated to explain psychopathology.
  • We propose a gradient model of respiratory-modulated prediction errors.


Breathing plays a crucial role in shaping perceptual and cognitive processes by regulating the strength and synchronisation of neural oscillations. Numerous studies have demonstrated that respiratory rhythms govern a wide range of behavioural effects across cognitive, affective, and perceptual domains. Additionally, respiratory-modulated brain oscillations have been observed in various mammalian models and across diverse frequency spectra. However, a comprehensive framework to elucidate these disparate phenomena remains elusive. In this review, we synthesise existing findings to propose a neural gradient of respiratory-modulated brain oscillations and examine recent computational models of neural oscillations to map this gradient onto a hierarchical cascade of precision-weighted prediction errors. By deciphering the computational mechanisms underlying respiratory control of these processes, we can potentially uncover new pathways for understanding the link between respiratory-brain coupling and psychiatric disorders.

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