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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Interview with Lee Morgan [+ The Gigolo]

The interview starts at about 03:31. Lee Morgan's one of my top three or four jazz trumpet players. The interview is interlaced with several tracks of Morgan's music. One of them, late in the interview is "Soulita." If you listen carefully at 54:05 you'll hear Morgan quoting some Ziggy Elman licks. Elman was lead trumpeter for Benny Goodman. Morgan is quoting from a tune Elman wrote and performed, "And the Angels Sing." He quotes & paraphrases phrases from the melody and perhaps even works off of some of Elman's frailach (Jewish wedding music) licks, I can't tell for sure.

 "The Gigolo" (below) is perhaps my favorite Lee Morgan tune. (The album gets mentioned several times in the interview.) It drives me crazy every time I hear it. I don't know how many times I've played along with this track in the last 50 years. Yes, 50! The album came out in 1968. I think of it as a "Night in Tunisia" type tune. The A section is basically a vamp, but the B section has moving changes. Also, time is different in the A and B sections, with the B having a more relaxed swing feel, while the A is more driving. Here it is, with the great Wayne Shorter on tenor:

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