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Monday, November 13, 2023

New Savanna has 665 tags as of 13 Nov 2023 [my 13-year production function is 48 tags per year]

I’ve been working on a little ChatGPT project involving the list of tags I use to label posts here at New Savanna. While the project doesn’t actually require that I know that number, I decided, while I’m at it, why not? To be sure, it’ll take a bit of time, and be a bit tedious, but why the hell not? So I counted them.

I’ve done this sort of thing before:

Once again, what's up with all the tags/labels? – 544 tags on December 11, 2016

Tags/labels at New Savanna: What's up with that? – 481 tags on November 7, 2017

And then I got carried away, threw caution to the wind, and went into the WayBack Machine to count up the number nearer the early days of the blog. While my oldest post is dated April 14, 2010, the Wayback Machine’s oldest snapshot of New Savanna is from July 21, 2011, when I had 252 tags. So, it took me a year and two months to accumulate 252 tags. Then – why not? – I decided to check another date. August 7, 2012 seemed like a good one to try. So I did, 292 tags. That means that I only added 40 tags in a bit over a year since July 21, 2011.

I’ve put those tag lists below. But first...

Estimating my production function

If you are a fan of Tyler Cowen, as I am, then you know that in his Conversations with Tyler he often asks his guests about their production function, how they do whatever it is they do. Well, I now have a way of estimating the output of my production function over the course of this blog. Let’s divide the total number of tags, 655, by the age of the blog in years, 13 years and 7 months is 13.6 years, giving me an output of 48 tags per year.

Given that a large fraction of my intellectual output turns up on New Savanna in one way or another, that’s not an unreasonable number to consider. It would be easy enough to calculate how many posts I produce a year if I wished, but I’m not going to do that, because that particular number is not what I have in mind. What I’m thinking is that that count would thereby give me two measures.

As a first approximation, I’m going to say they measure different things. The post count is a simply a word count, or rather, a words-plus-photos count. The tag count is a new-idea count. To be sure, it’s a very crude approximation to new ideas, but, on first glance, it does seem to me that that’s what it is. I only add tags when I want a convenient way to refer to a new topic. One could, of course, write about the same thing year after year, in which case the tag list would remain constant from year to year. That’s how you succeed in the academy, publish the same three ideas year after year after year until you go emeritus. That’s just not how I roll.

I suppose the next thing to do would be to create a GPT to help navigate New Savanna, with links to my repositories at, Flickr, and YouTube. Later.

Tag list for November 23, 2023

(the) singularity #Canon/Archive #ccourses #ccresearch #DH #gpt3 #GVM002 #GVM003 #GVM004 #GVM008 #GVM019 #GVM021 #GVM022 #GVM023 #GVX #HEX01 #hu #HumanProgress #LARB #longwoodgardens #nugget #whyiteach 2set 3300 node graph 3QD 51 Alley 51 Pacific 5FF 60s abstraction abundance academia academia_stats activism Adam Savage adolescence adulthood adventure aesthetics African-American AI AI Alchemy AI Limit AI values AI-epistemology AI-future AI-whaling Alan Liu alien alien phenomenology alignment altered states of consciousness altieri America American myth analog-computing Andreessen animals animation anime anthropology anti-nuke ants anxiety AOC apocalypse Apocalypse Now Arena arithmetic art artificial minds ASC attachment Attractor-net Attridge&Staten autobiography awesome BAM BAnvil BAPC bardolatry BB & Computing BBjazzEdu bees behavior behavioral mode bell Bennett Bergen Arches billionaires-in-space biology bird black black church blogistan blogs blues body Born2Groove Bostrom-simulation Bourdain brain-as-computer brain-to-brain brains breaking bad British Bryant Buffalo business Carroll cartoon cartoons CE Direction CE workshop change change-mind Changizi charting-AI-space ChatGPT ChatGPT conversation ChatGPT interpretation ChatGPT MTL ChatGPT stories ChatGPT summary ChatGPT-memory chess childhood children chimpanzees China Chinese-room chocolate factory Chomsky chrysler bulding chuck jones citizen science classify clouds coaching Coates cog poetics cog-poverty cogart cognition cognitive science Coleridge collective creativity Collier color comedy comfort common sense knowledge communication community complexity compositionism computation computational envelope computers connect-course consciousness contrail control copyright cosmos coupling COVID-19 creativity culler Cultural Beings cultural evolution cultural identity cultural ranks culture cyberization cybernetics cyberspace danah boyd dance dandelion davidsimon death deep learning default mode demonstration Dennett DeptofPeace description design development DGH digital humanities digital wilderness disarmament Disney Dizzy Gillespie dolls Douthat-decadence downsize drugs duckdodgers Dumbo eating Ebert ecology economics economy ecstasy education emergent-ventures emotion empire state building EndofScience engineering entangle environment Erie Cut essay ethical criticism Everett evol-force evolution exploration expressive systems eye F Me Pump Facebook family Fantasia fast lane Father Faust FBorFreedom FDR Felski Feyerabend fictional characters film flix flow flowers fluid mind food foraging form fractal free range kids Freeman Friday Fotos fun funny future g-zone gags game theory garden Gärdenfors Gavin gender genius genji genre gift Girard GITS global warming globalization god Godfrey-Smith gojira golf Golumbia GPT GPT-3 GPT-4 graf-then-now graffiti graffiti aesthetics graffiti chaos graffiti detail graffiti essay graffiti site graphic novel grass Great Chain greatest siam green grief groups Haggard hallucinate hallucinated-city handbook happiness Harman Hartman HCW health heart darkness Henry Lau high culture Hillis Miller history Hoboken home homeless hope Horgan Hudson River human nature human-swarm humanities humor hunter-gatherer Hurricane Sandy hyperobjects identity ideology-intellect illusion implementation improvise inequality information intellectual history intelligence intention interdisciplinary international affairs internet interpretability Interpretation intuition IP irises Israel-Palestine Issues-in-CultEvol its complicated Jamie jamming Japan jasmine Jaws jazz JC Rising JCPhotoEssay JCwall Jersey City jim morrison jivometric Jockers Joe Rogan JumpandKong justice K-Pop kami Kelly Sax Keynes Kim Stanley Robinson Kimono Mom King Kong Kisangani2150 KK encounter Korea Kubla_Khan LAARB language language-computation-litform Lantz LARB-DH Latouor-modes Latour Latour Assemble laughter law leaks learning leaves LeCun Letterman Lévi-Strauss life light linguistics links literary criticism literary Darwinism literature LLM Loser love low culture MacArthurFP MacPaint macroanalysis magic maker malick man-in-space mana manga manhattan Maplewood mark-turner Mars math maynard McCarty meals meaning meaning+semanticity media notes medicine memes memory mental health metalingual definition method mhacks Miles Davis mimi and eunice mind mind-inside mind-or-machine mindfulness Miyazaki Mnozil moon moral injury morality Moretti Morton Morton-Spacecraft mus music Musk my intellectual life myth-logic narrative nation-state nationalism natural geometry naturalist criticism nature NCIS networks neural-holography neural-weather neuroscience neurosymbolic new government New Hope City new humanities new savanna New York City new-descriptivists next-word Nina Paley NLH rejection Northrup Frye notes novel NY2140 Obama object-oriented ontology objectification ontological cognition OOCRnB open letter operadoc orange Oshii parsons party patterns PB Graff Jam peace peak experience perception percussion performance performing Perper personal perversion philosophy philosophy new photo photography photontology phrasal lex physics pinckney Pixar plants play pleasure pluri-core poem poetry politics pollution polyrhythm polyviscous pond pop culture pop culture aesthetics population Porco poverty predict prehistory President 2020 Presidential 2016 prodigy progress projection protest prugress psychedelic psychoanalysis psychology public-private-interest Queen Mary 2 race race-symbolic-universe Ramble Ramsay ratatouille read-hyperobjects reading reading>reading reality regulate-mind RelationalNets religion research RGB rhythm ring-form risk RNA-primer Supplement Road Not Taken Road Runner Robert Frost robot-rights robots rock art Rogue-AI romantic love Rubicon-Waterloo s sally Satch scale scaling science science fiction scratching my head Searle seder-masochism Seinfeld self sexuality Shakespeare shaky-cam shoes silver SK8 sky sleep snow social media society space speech sports SSTB stagnation StanfordLitLab star trek Steve Pinker street art sunrise sunset superintelligence Sydney_Lamb synchrony taboo tag TalentSearch tassles tech evol technology television tell me blues terror-management terrorism text texture Tezuka the rez theater theology theory of mind Theory stars throwie time toast topic models touch toy being transition transnational trees Trump trumpet tweet Tweet-of-Day twitter Tyler Cowen UBI underbelly Underwood Underwood&Sellers2015 unityofbeing urb design center urban urban geometry urban pastoral vacation Vermont Vexta video violence VirtFeud virtual reading vision visual resonance visualization wackyland war war boys wayquay's weather web weeds Why CE Wind Rises WLBjazz WmPowers women word illusion work working paper World-spanning thoughts World-Wide Wall WorldIsland Wuthering Heights Xanadu yevick youth ZAR Zhang

Tag List for August 7, 2012

60s abstraction abundance academia activism adventure aesthetics African-American AI alien alien phenomenology America American myth animation anime anti-nuke ants anxiety apocalypse Apocalypse Now art autobiography awesome BAnvil bees behavior behavioral mode bell Bennett Bergen Arches biology bird black blogistan blogs body brains British Bryant Buffalo business cartoon CE workshop change chimpanzees China chocolate factory chrysler bulding chuck jones classify cognition cognitive science Coleridge color comfort communication community complexity compositionism computation computers consciousness contrail copyright cosmos coupling creativity cultural evolution culture cybernetics cyberspace dandelion death demonstration description design development disarmament Disney dolls drugs duckdodgers Dumbo Ebert ecology economics ecstasy education emotion empire state bulding environment Erie Cut essay evolution eye family Fantasia fast lane Feyerabend film flix flowers fractal fun funny future gags garden genji genre gift globalization god golf graffiti graffiti detail graffiti site graphic novel grass greatest siam green grief groups Haggard Harman HCW health heart darkness high culture history Hoboken home homeless hope Hudson River human nature humanities illusion intellectual history international affairs internet Interpretation IP irises jamming Japan jazz JCwall Jersey City jim morrison jivometric JumpandKong justice kami language Lantz Latour law leaks leaves life light linguistics links liter literary criticism literature long-hair love low culture Lévi-Strauss magic malick manga manhattan memes mental health method mhacks mimi and eunice mind mindfulness Miyazaki moon morality Morton music narrative natural geometry nature neuroscience New Hope City new savanna New York City Nina Paley notes novel Obama obj object-oriented ontology ontological cognition operadoc orange Oshii party peace peak experience perception percussion Perper personal perversion philosophy photo photography Pixar plants play pleasure poetry politics pollution pond pop culture Porco poverty prehistory progress projection protest psychology Queen Mary 2 race ranks reading reality religion research rhythm risk Road Runner robots rock art romantic love science science fiction self sexuality Shakespeare silver sky snow society space speech SSTB street street art sunrise sunset synchrony taboo tag tassles technology television texture Tezuka theology theory of mind throwie time toast TOM touch toy being transition transnational trees underbelly urb design center urban urban geometry urban pastoral video violence vision wackyland war web weeds youth Zhang

Tag List for July 10, 2011

60s abstraction academia activism aesthetics African-American AI alien America American myth animation anime anti-nuke ants anxiety apocalypse Apocalypse Now art autobiography awesome bees behavior behavioral mode bell Bergen Arches biology bird black blogistan blogs body brains British Buffalo business cartoon CE workshop change chimpanzees chocolate factory chrysler bulding chuck jones classify cognition Coleridge color comfort communication community complexity computation computers consciousness contrail copyright cosmos coupling creativity cultural evolution culture cyberspace death demonstration description design development disarmament Disney dolls drugs Ebert ecology economics ecstasy education emotion empire state bulding environment Erie Cut essay evolution family Fantasia fast lane film flix flowers fractal fun funny future genji genre gift globalization god golf graffi detail graffiti graffiti detail graphic novel grass greatest siam grief groups health heart darkness high culture history Hoboken hobokien home homeless hope Hudson River human nature humanities illusion international affairs internet Interpretation IP Iris irises jamming Japan jazz Jersey City jim morrison jivometric language Lantz law leaks leaves life light linguistics links literary criticism literature love low culture magic manga manhattan memes mental health method mhacks mimi and eunice mindfulness Miyazaki moon morality music narrative natural geometry neuroscience New Hope City new savanna New York City Nina Paley notes novel Obama obj object-oriented ontology orange Oshii party peace peak experience perception percussion personal perversion philosophy photo photography Pixar plants play pleasure poetry politics pollution pond pop culture Porco poverty prehistory progress projection protest psychology Queen Mary 2 race ranks reality religion research rhythm risk Road Runner robots rock art romantic love science science fiction self sexuality Shakespeare silver sky snow society space speech SSTB street street art sunrise sunset synchrony taboo tag tassles technology television texture theology theory of mind throwie toast TOM touch transition transnational underbelly urban urban geometry urban pastoral video vision wackyland web weeds

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