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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Quickie: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse [Media Notes 98a]

I don’t know what to say. I saw Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse in a theater and liked it. Maya Phillips has a positive review of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse in the NYTimes. Here’s as trailer:

WOW! The color, patterns, texture, action. WOW!

And that’s about it for me. I like the visual style, three sessions I’ve been unable to finish watching it. I figure that’s on me, but on the film as well. Distinguishing between the two, that’s difficult.

On me, I’m preoccupied by intellectual projects at the moment, mostly my ChatGPT round-up, but also an expansion of my Out of Control piece. I’m afraid it would be difficult for any movie, at least when viewed on the small screen at home (Netflix) – the big screen with big sound and an audience, that’s another kettle of fish – to capture my attention. A half-hour (the remake of the Odd Couple, for example) or an hour is about as far as I can go (Miami Vice anyone?).

But, this adolescent hero, Miles Morales, is grating on my last nerve. Why’s he so damn whiny? Why doesn’t he grow up? But then, that’s what the film is (supposed to be) about, no? So, I’m really not the target audience for this film.

OTOH, there’s too damn much action, too quick. Maybe that also means that I’m not the audience for this film, but I don’t care. Slow down, breathe, reflect a bit. It won’t kill you. THAT’s a problem with the film. & maybe Miles would be less bothersome if his makers gave him more room to chill out.

But, damn! I do like the style. All the colors and textures, even the inclusion of live-action clips, and snippets from other Spidey films, the references to canon. It’s all good, or would be if there weren’t so damn much crammed into too little time. This style has room to grow, definitely.

I will, somehow, manage to watch the whole thing.

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