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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Is Trump becoming Elon's puppet? [#Elonald]

Amanda Marcotte, Elon Musk can easily use Donald Trump's greatest advantage against him, Salon, December 24, 2024.

The more Donald Trump denies he's being controlled by billionaire Elon Musk, who purchased the president-elect with over $250 million in campaign spending this year, the less anyone believes him. Last week's spending battle was complex in the details, but not in the main takeaway: The Tesla CEO is leading the aging and tired Trump by the nose. Trump's sole ask of congressional Republicans going into budget negotiations was to end the debt ceiling, at least for a couple of years, to spare him the headache of negotiating it while in office. Then Musk started flipping out on Twitter about all manner of line items, seemingly spun up by random social media users named after feline waste products. Both Trump and the GOP meekly followed suit, nearly bringing government to a halt while scrambling to cut a bunch of stuff to appease Musk, who didn't even understand most of the arguments he was making.

That paragraph is full of links. If you want to follow them out, cruise on over to Salon; there's more writing there as well.

Q: Who's going to play Trump and who will play Musk in the movie version?

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