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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Toward precision medicine for the many varieties of cancer

From the YouTube page:

Why have we not found the cure for cancer yet? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly explore paradigm shifts in cancer treatment, molecular biology, and a promising new cancer drug AOH1996 with City of Hope cancer researcher Dr. Linda Malkas.

What is cancer? Learn about how cancer actually works and why it is so damaging for the body. Why do cancer cells continue to mutate? Discover the micro world of DNA replication, molecular targets, and sliding clamp proteins like PCNA. Why is it taking so long to find the cure for cancer? Are institutions keeping the cure from us?

Learn about different strategies in developing cancer therapies, how FDA testing works, and how every cancer has a unique molecular signature. Learn what AOH1996 does that shuts down cancer cells and where it is in clinical trials. Could we one day use precision medicine to treat each patient's unique cancer?

How many cancer cells does a healthy person fight off per day? We discuss immunotherapy and how medicine is moving away from a single-drug solution. Will there ever be a silver bullet cancer drug? We explore new hope in cancer research and the promising future ahead in personalized medicine.

00:00 - Introduction: Cancer Research
2:25 - What is Cancer?
7:58 - What is AOH1996? DNA Replication & PCNA
14:28 - Why Haven’t They Found The Cure Yet?
18:29 - Shutting Down Cancer Cells
23:55 - FDA Clinical Trials
25:30 - Molecular Signatures & Precision Medicine
30:32 - Immunotherapy & “The Cancer Gene”
33:52 - Medication Half-Lives
36:45 - The Move Away From Monotherapy: Combination Treatments
42:09 - Cancer Cell Evolution
44:23 - The Future of Cancer Treatments

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