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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Some posts that I like – Yet another guide to what’s here at New Savanna [sampling the space]

I’ve started hanging out at the Progress Studies Slack where, in association with the NASA/SpaceX launch, I posted a link to a post that gave some of my history with space travel, A Child of the Space Age. Ben Springwater asked if I had “a shortlist of your favorite posts you could share?” Alas I do not.

So I’ve created a small collection of short lists that can serve that purpose. It's a way for someone to sample what’s here. I’ve been post at New Savanna for a decade (and at The Valve, a now defunct group blog for several years before that),  and have quite a few posts, almost 6800. Roughly a third of them consist of one or more of my photos. The rest are about this or that. Off hand I’d say the majority of those are posts linking to things that others have written, with substantial excerpts from that material. The rest of the posts are my thoughts on various topics.

I’ve created five short lists, each consisting of six items. The idea is that each of those lists samples the new Savanna space, with each item in the list being in a distinctly different region of the space. I make no claim about how well each list samples the space much less how well the thirty posts sample the space. The lists are just starting points for poking around.

List 1

Disney’s Fantasia as Masterpiece

Romantic Love, Conversation, Biology, and Culture

Into the Future: From Tyler Cowen through Kim Stanley Robinson to Kisangani 2150

Summer 1981, When I advised NASA on their computing infrastructure

Joe Rogan and Joey Diaz call “Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris” – a rough transcription of their conversation

Friday Fotos: Power to the People [The Hallucinated City]

List 2

Sixty years ago – Gojira 1954

Hilary Hahn on daydreaming as a mode of practicing music, of priming yourself to go with the flow in performance

Redefining the Coming Singularity – It’s not what you think

The Living Cosmos

Not with a bang, but with a rainbow of ducks and a departing hyperobject

Trumposaurus Rex @ 3QD – Toward a cybernetic interpretation

List 3

War Boys in Tomorrowland, or: Mad Max Meets Disney

Talk to the Wood: Animism is Natural

Ontology in Perception and Thought

The Hallucinated City: I reflect therefore I am

The Hunt for Genius, Part 5: Three Elite Schools [RIP #RichardAMacksey]

Borges redux: Computing Babel – Is that what’s going on with these abstract spaces of high dimensionality? [#DH]

List 4

Culture is a Driving Force in History

The Site of Graffiti: Linked Poetry and Mu’en

Entropy and Self-Organization on the Table Top

More Blues: The British Get Invaded and Uncle Clint Talks Piano

MacArthur Fellowships: Search for creativity or the same old cronyism?

The Hallucinated City: Sandy + seven

List 5

The Faith of Graffiti, Redux

Friday Fotos: Cleopatra’s Shoes, or, the F Me Pump

Reflections on entering my eighth decade and why it portends to be the most productive one of my life

The Robot as Subaltern: Tezuka’s Mighty Atom

The Only Game in town: Digital Criticism Comes of Age

Ghost Dancing in the USA

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