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Monday, December 23, 2019

A partial guide to my posts about photography

Over the years I've done a number of posts about photography, mostly about my photography, but not entirely so. And a number of the posts, regardless of the examples, raise general issues. Here's a link to all (124) of those posts

This is about on particular series of photographs, none of particular visual interest, but they mark a serendipitous moment of conjunction between me, the sun, a city, and a tunnel: What's that mysterious light in the tunnel? A case of investigative photography.

Two posts on my interest in photographs with no particular central element, something that is central to my philosophy, if you might call it that, an approach I arrived at as soon as I decided to get serious: The NOTHING PhotographFriday Fotos: The NOTHING Photograph, Again (for Peter)

This one is about color (Color the Subject), obviously a central concern, and centers on the fact that it is physically impossible to capture the actual color of a scene. So what do you do, what guides your choice of coloring? This on is about color as well, but about a specific subject, Here Come the Sun – On Photographing a Sunrise.

And now we have  representation: Baby Feet: What’s Up With Representation? These images are based on scans of the infant footprints hospitals use to identify infants (at least they did so when me and I sister were born, do they still do it?).

On Learning to See. Not necessarily about photos, but they're involved.