- One thought for living in a high-tech world: The groove before the machine.
- John McWhorter and I Talk About Cartoons
- Three Dialogs with a Friendly Alien: Claude 3.5 Sonata
- Melancholy and Growth: Toward a Mindcraft for an Emerging World
- Shakespeare, the Starry Welkin, and Donald Trump
- Georgia on My Mind
- Affective Technology, Part 3: Coherence in the Self
- Affective Technology, Part 2: Emotion recollected in tranquility
- Affective Technology, Part 1: Poems and Stories
- Pop-Tarts Re-frosted: An allegory about creativity in a corporatized world?
- The Irises Are Blooming Early This Year
- Thirteen Ways To Think About An A.I.
- Western Metaphysics is Imploding. Will We Raise a Phoenix from The Ashes? [Catalytic AI]
- On the 12/8 Path with Charlie Keil
- Some Scattered Thoughts about Maestro, Music, and the Meaning of It All
Aye Aye, Cap’n! Investing in AI is like buying shares in a whaling
voyage captained by a man who knows all about ships and little about
On the Road with The Out of Control Rhythm and Blues Band
Next year in Jerusalem: The brilliant ideas and radiant legacy of
Miriam Lipschutz Yevick [in relation to current AI debates]
A New Counter Culture: From the Reification of IQ to the AI
Children in Search of the Dance, Some Informal Ethnographic Analysis
Black, White, and Blues: Notes on Music in America
Mind Hacks R Us: The Psychedelic Computer
Beyond artificial intelligence?
World, Mind, Learnability, Large Language Models, and the Metaphysical
Structure of the Cosmos
From “Kubla Khan” through GPT and beyond
ChatGPT is a miracle of rare device. Here’s how I’m thinking about
A day in the life of Kimono Mom and Sutan
- SBF from Girard to Dawkins to Xanadu
- Conversing with ChatGPT about Jaws, Mimetic Desire, and Sacrifice
- Dance to the Music: The Kids Owned the Day
- All roads lead to Ukraine [war] – Scattered fragments of a [nuclear] memoir
- On the Cult of AI Doom
- Thriving and Jiving Among Friends and Family: The Place of Music in Everyday Life
- Some Aspects of the Urban Pastoral
- Welcome to the Fourth Arena – The World is Gifted
- How me, 2 young girls, their father, and our imaginary friends discovered the Metaverse and thereby saved the world, a True Story
- Tell me about the blues
- Analyze This! AI meets Jerry Seinfeld
- Shark City Sacrifice: A Girardian reading of Steven Spielberg’s Jaws
- Roll over Beethoven: Where’d classical music go?
- My Early Jazz Education: From the Firehouse to Louis Armstrong
- Sonic Transportation: It shook me, the light!
- Reality, what an idea! Here comes the Metaverse
- In Praise of Women’s Hands
- Timothy Morton Meditates on the Millennium Falcon and Futurality
- 51 Pacific and the Green Villain: Welcome to the Fun House
- From “Forbidden Planet” to “The Terminator”: 1950s techno-utopia and the dystopian future
- A perverse sense of intellectual honor is driving humanities scholars to disciplinary seppuku: Some personal reflections on the book, Permanent Crisis: The Humanities in a Disenchanted Age
- To Understand the Mind We Must Build One, A Review of Models of the Mind – Bye Bye RenĂ©, Hello Giambattista
- Born to Groove: Up from Mud and Back to Our Roots
- Religion, Legitimacy, and Government in America, A Just-So Story
- Sukiyaki and beyond: Hiromi Uehara, music, war and peace, Chick Corea, and others
- Tectonic Tremors, Ghost Dancing, and the Certification Riots
Seinfeld On His Craft, Or: Comedy As A Path To Metaphysical Grace
- Jacob Collier, a 21st Century Mozart?
- Some vignettes in the wake of a historic election [16 tons, where are we now?]
- Some Varieties of Light
- Direct Brain-to-Brain Thought Transfer is a High Tech Fantasy that Won’t Work
- It took 13 years, but Jersey City finally has a poured-concrete SK8park – A story of local grass roots politics
- An Electric Conversation with Hollis Robbins on the Black Sonnet Tradition, Progress, and AI, with Guest Appearances by Marcus Christian and GPT-3
- From Progress Studies to Progress: Through decadence and beyond
- A Fantasia on Irises
- Can the pandemic serve America as the cradle for a rebirth of civil society?
- Photos for a Time of Fever
- Connecting with the Jazz Tradition: Studying with Frank Foster in Buffalo
- TwoSet Violin, the best thing in music education since sliced bread
- Of Ants And Humans: Some Principles Of Social Organization
- Stations of the mind: Om to Eureka and beyond
- Some notes on computers, AI, and the mind
- Time travelers we are, each and all
- Virtual Feudalism in the Twenty-First Century
- “It got adults off your back” – Richard Macksey remembered
- An Improviser Is Born
- Up-River! The adventure of reality from Haggard to Conrad to Coppola to Bourdain
- From tears to ecstasy, some aspects of musical performance
- Seder-Masochism: Nina Paley began at the end and ended at the beginning
- Thomas Naylor’s Paths Peace in a world of small states
- First Man and a sense of the sacred
- Neural Weather, An Informal Defense of Psychoanalytic Ideas
- Is FDR the capital of the SK8board nation?
- Wonderful Rainbow Aesthetics: The Song of Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
- Bergen Arches: Living for the City
- World Island: Zeal Means Hope [The World’s Got Talent]
- Feed Me Donald! – Trump, Musk, The Internet, And Monsters From The Id
- Through A 3D Glass Starkly, New York 2140 Redux
- Three Children Of The Space Age: Elon Musk, Freeman Dyson, And Me
- Disney’s Dumbo, Tripping The Elephants Electric
- Grappling at the edges of reality with Joe Rogan
- Gojira 1954: No More Nukes
- Leapin’ Lizards: Three Lessons from Marching Band OR here at New Savanna
A look under the hood through the insane musical genius that is
Mnozil Brass OR
here at New Savanna
- A post-apocalyptic heist: Commentary on a passage from New York 2140 OR here at New Savanna
- The Day Pope Gregory Met Sidney Bechet and the Walls Came Tumbling Down
- Moretti and the Stanford Literary Lab: Computational criticism in two senses and the prospect of a new approach to literary studies, a downloadable version with additions
- Old School: Torpor and Stupor at Johns Hopkins OR here at New Savanna
- My Summer Job Working In Coal – Or, How I Learned About Class In America OR here at New Savanna
- Donald Trump is no Leroy Jethro Gibbs
- Ghost Dancing in the USA
- In Favor of Small States – Are Meganations too Big to Succeed?
- Kenan Malik Asks Some Questions about Culture and Its Appropriation
- Other People’s Culture and the Problem of Identity
- Why Disney’s Fantasia is a Masterpiece
- Tezuka's Mighty Atom (Astro Boy) and the Japanese Take on Robots
- Louis Armstrong and the Snake-Charmin’ Hoochie-Coochie Meme
- Stuck in Traffic: The Story of Civilization
- To Boldly Go To The Edge....Science In Everyday Life
- Prelude and Exordium to the Ordination, Coronation, Inauguration, and Installation of the Grand High Singularity, Donald of Trump, Ruler of Universes Known, Unknown, Unimaginable and Phantasmagoric
- Exposed! Daniel Everett Shines a Light on the Mind’s Dark Matter
- We’re All in This Together: Life as Jamie Knows It
- Martha Mills: Lawyer, Activist, Judge
- Markos Vamvakaris: A Pilgrim on Ancient Byzantine Roads
- Peace is Everybody’s Business, Nobody’s Job
- A Brexit State of Mind: The Vision Thing
- Grandpa, Proust, Ulysses and World War II
- Ecstasy at Baltimore’s Left Bank Jazz Society
- Break! How I Busted Three Trumpeters Out of a Maryland Prison
- Jerry Seinfeld and Barack Obama Have a Meeting of the Minds
- Three Moments in America’s Conversation on Race
- Secrets of Pink Elephants Revealed
- The United States Needs a Department of Peace
- Why Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises is Not Morally Repugnant
- Have the Internets Rotted My Brain and Wrecked My Mind?
- Robert Frost, Time Traveler: The Road Not Taken
- A White Blackman
- Obama’s Pinckney Eulogy and the Place of Religious Discourse in Civic Life
- Pontifex as Bridge Builder: the Encyclical Laudato Si
- The Next 100 Years in the Human Sciences, a Reply to Frank Wilczek's Remarks about Physics
- OK to Destroy: Jersey City's Graffiti Jam of April 2015
- The Magic of the Bell and a Glimpse of Spirits
- Cultural Styles in the 21st Century, or the High Tech Debt to Africa
- Charlie Keil's Simple Appeal to the Pope on Behalf of the Future
- Western Culture is an Ideological Fiction, and so are the Rest
- Free-Floating Anxiety, Teens and Security Theatre
- American Craziness: Where it Came from and Why it Won't Work Anymore
- Evolving to the Future, the Web of Culture
- Macroanalysis and the Directional Evolution of Nineteenth Century English-Language Novels
- It's Time to Change the World, Again
- Sing Me a Song of Hyperobjects: Starting Over with Humans and Other Creatures in the 21st Century CE
- Graffiti is the Most Important Art Form of the Last Half-Century...
- Graffiti and the Spirit of the Place
- The Only Game in Town: Digital Criticism Comes of Age
- Bundling, Dream Space, Love and the Farmer's Daughter
- Some Varieties of Musical Experience
- An Astonishing Tale about the Origins of Golf: A True Story
- Charlie Keil: Groovologist
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