Saturday, January 25, 2025

Imagine, a future where flying cars are real and Rosie the Robot helps the missus clean house

1 comment:

  1. To afford the Jestson's life, you may need to be Jensen... Huang.
    "Buy the Latest Jetson Products"

    The fuhrer is here, he's just not evenly distributed... yet.

    "But did Gibson really originate the quote? Is this notion of a not-yet-widely distributed future his? I never had reason to wonder that until last night.

    "1. What Triggered the Meme:
    First, let's look at the history."
    ". The Prior Art? 
    So what makes me think someone else came up with the original idea of the future being here but not evenly distributed yet? Well, here's the story.
    "I was doing some research late last night when I came across a quote in a business text called Free, Perfect, and Now: Connecting to the Three Insatiable Customer Demands: A CEO's True Story by Robert Rodin with Curtis Hartman, first published in hardcover in February 1999. The book recounts the lessons learned by Rodin as CEO of Marshall Industries, and how he transformed his company into a electronics distribution powerhouse.

    "Amazon's page for this book offers customers the ability to browse its pages (the "Search Inside the Book" feature is activated). Well, I had reason to go browsing through the book, as I expect to be speaking with Mr. Rodin soon on a business matter, so I started browsing, and I came across this quote:

    "The problem is that, in reality, the future can be hard to recognize. It's not evenly distributed; it's hidden in corners. While there is no shortage of clues, they are buried beneath a crush of information. Radical adaptation to shifting customer demand is the first law of business survival today, but how can you learn what you need to know in order to anticipate those shifts?"
